
When you have a party, do you have a list of whom you not invite and why?

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Party spoilers what are the common traits?

here is a list to consider.







  1. Ann Coulter's a woman?!?


    You coulda' had me fooled...sheesh!

  2. I never do that.  I just make a list of the people I want there.

  3. Well, there goes any of my parties.

  4. LOL i was gonna try and find something to rival that but that stands alone matey ;-)

  5. HAha lol...  my list includes co-workers...most of them don't want to party the way I like to party, so I only call privately the co-workers I want to invite...;-)

  6. Haaaaa......that WAS funny!!

    Yes, we have a list, too.......ours is mostly so the cops don't get called......but we also don't like the people who think they can stay for a week or more, lol.

  7. That list was funny as h**l.

    But I hardly ever host parties or even go to them...hmmmm...gonna have to think about it.

    Let's see.  We had an enormous party when I was in college once, I'm talking live band (!) playing in the living room, people spread out over every horizontal (and sometimes vertical) surface, drunks that seemed to materialize from spores like giant fungi.

    But the weirdest person there was actually one of my roommates, who kept lurching around with no shoes on (ugh!  The floor was f*cking FILTHY, d**n temporary hippie-type freak!  Why wouldn't she wear shoes?  Who doesn't wear shoes at a kegger?  We had S**t tracked all over the place like I ain't NEVER seen before, and she had it all over her feet and the hems of her pants.  What a jack@ss.  Anyway...) and saying, "I need a serious deep d!cking!" but nobody got the reference (god, I hope she was joking.)  h**l, I don't even remember what movie that was from.

    Nobody took her up on the offer because she was just way too drunk and her feet were disgusting.  Too gross to f*ck.

    So the "oversexed tease with unspeakably dirty feet," if, indeed, a type, is a type to avoid.

    And you probably don't know my family, but don't invite them, either.  They're either total droids, lame as h**l, or they have entirely too much fun and somebody's car winds up upside down on the front lawn.

    Skip them.

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