
When you have a physic power is there something physical that stands out about you?

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like is there a perosnality trait or something how you look or about you that makes you to know you have a physic ability or a sixth sense




  1. Something physical that stands out?  I may tend to be more observant than others & I am not part of the crowd...I am diffently a loner.  I like it that way so I do not pick up on other people's vibes.  They tend to tire me.  Have you ever heard of human parasites?   Well these kind of people are very draining so I avoid people like this.  I have a special friend that is like me & I visit with her now & again but I basically stick to myself.

  2. I agree with Ghost Seeker

    I think being psychic

    just means you have a sharper sense

    of things

  3. I don't know..but I'd like to know if there's a way you can tell if someone else is psychic.At least if you'd be more careful what you think. Seems only fair.

    When things first happened to me...people kept telling me that there was something about my eyes...Looking back..I wonder if I was possessed or something. I know that drugs will make your eyes look different..but I wasn't doing drugs. I think you could tell by the way you feel. I felt like I was "plugged into and electrical wall socket"...kinda...That's the only way I can think to describe it. And things (words etc.( would "come over me" a wave. I'd usually write it down quickly...cause it would be gone afterwards if I didn't .

    EDIT...I just saw that this is your first day on Y/A and your first question! Welcome to Y/A Paranormal Section. I think you're probably too young to be on here. I think you should go to sections that have other teenagers. I think you'll get more help there about teenage things.But it's nice that you dropped in to see us! I don't even know how you got to this section. It's really hidden and hard to find!!

    Edit..NOTICE....I gave you a STAR!!!! lol

  4. nothing physical. It was more trial and error for me. After talking to the people around me, I just knew that I saw the world in a way most people didn't. I sensed things, knew things, other people couldn't. It's not outside that makes you's inside, in your heart.

  5. not unless you can read aruras. There are diffrent lights around you instead of red, blue or purple, there will be the color arura that you are then a yellow tent.

  6. I can only go by experiences that people tell me.

    People say they are drawn to my energy. I have to accept that, people of all ages will stop & start talking to me.

    For those who know me, they say, they know when I am picking up something, spirits, mental telpathy ect, by my eyes. I tend to move my eyes down or look to the side. I always look people straight in the eye when I talk to them. Some say, they feel as though I am looking into their soul, some get jumpy, some say it makes them feel very relax.

    Then my touch or hugs. People will say, the warmth that comes out of me is so relaxing. Which boggles my mind, I am always so cold. I am the one that wears a sweater when it is 80 degrees out.

  7. No.

    When you have psychic abilities, you have a keener sense.  Such as, possibly hearing, seeing, taste & smell.

    Here is one of many sights that you can test any abilities you may have.

    Or you can simply google, "Test your psychic abilities".

  8. The only way someone can look at you and know you have physic power is if they have it themselves to know this.  Take it from someone who is clairvoyant :-)

  9. not necessarily

  10. Not sure if its true, but its said that your forehead protrudes a bit more than normal people.

  11. Ned Herrmann, in his book The Creative Brain, speculates that people who have good left-right brain connection can be identified by the fact that they get motion sickness easily. I think that this type of brain connection is characteristic of persons who are psychic.  I get car sick easily, and I often dream or day-dream about things that are happening elsewhere.  I am a logical (left-brain) thinker, but am also empathetic and artistic (right-brain). So, why don't you ask around and see if you can confirm this?

  12. I don't know but me and most of my friends that are do tend to be a bit darker minded then others

  13. Those with great insight (in this sense, if we consider the energetic or spiritual world as existing - as truth - then those who can experience it, have greater insight into real truth than those who cannot - of course whether they use that insight wisely is a different story...) can't help but to have a deep clarity in their eyes.

    This was something recognized and written about by the great inventor Nikola Tesla - the luminosity of the eyes in certain individuals - and indeed, it was taken for granted in the 1800's that intellectual and spiritual pursuits would cause the eyes to lighten.  (True?  Well, it sounds contradictory to our modern science - but so is the concept of spirituality, except in quantum circles - and true, devoted spirituality is mostly absent in our society, so how would we know?)

    The 5000+ year old system of Ayurvedic medicine and philosophy of India also address this idea.  'Alochaka pitta' is a type of energy (with associated material representations such as rhodopsin and other proteins) specifically found in the eye.  Too much or too little of this energy will cause not only disease, but also cloudy, lusterless, filmed, etc. appearances to the eye.  The appropriate amount is indicated by the deep shining clarity that I mentioned earlier.

    The effects of ideal alochaka pitta - as obtained by proper diet, lifestyle, thoughts, self-discipline, etc. may be explained as follows:

    "Your eyes have the capacity to see the truth.  When you look without judgment, without the interference of thought and mind, the eyes become the windows of God and you can perceive the Truth.  If your thought and mind interfere, then you perceive reality, because reality is a product of your mind.  We need sensitive alochaka pitta that can perceive the truth of reality, the truth of actuality.  When you perceive the Truth, there is love, clarity, compassion, and pure awareness."

    Where material man is of a low vibration, and God is of the highest, we find disembodied spirits in between.  Therefore the closer the connection with God/Universal Spirit/Divine Source/Whatever - the more spiritual we are ourselves and the more of the spirit world we can experience.  (And again, the more sparkling and shining our eyes.)

    Sorry for the length - but what an interesting topic!

  14. ppl have also told me... theres something about my eyes that lives deep.

  15. Some children with very big, wide eyes are considered "crystal children". Many of them have psychic abilities.

    That's the only physical thing I can think of.

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