
When you have a question about your baby, who do you go to?

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Parents with older children? Experts with research? Your gut? Your doctor? Your experiences with your previous children? Your parents? Grandparents? Friends?

I'm just curious who you listen to, and why?




  1. Usually I would talk to my mother,sil or any other friends with children.I would listen to their advice & opinions,but in the end I always go with my gut.It has been right more than anyone else & I will always rely on it more than anyone else.

  2. Well, i try to find a trusted resource, and I'll look it up, or consult some of my friends with babies.

    But, 99% of the time, i listen to my gut feeling, and go with it.

  3. My Higher Power, whom I call God, and my gut instinct.

    I listen to God overall, because God has never led me wrong.  I listen to my gut instinct because, on the occasions that I've ignored it, terrible things happened.

  4. My mom, my grandma, and if they don't know or aren't sure, the pediatrician. Most of the time I try to go with my gut, but I second guess myself and end up calling my mom.

  5. All I have to say is,

    You should always follow your instinct. A mothers instinct is a very special thing and no one can take that away.  

  6. Well I have a book that has common concerns and have read that when I have a question about something.  I have asked my mother if things are normal, or when I did things.  I ask our pediatrician about medical concerns.  Then I weigh all of the above and go with my gut.  

  7. I listen to everyone and then tie myself in knots wondering which advice to take.  

  8. My mom, MIL, friends or relatives with babies, if it's worrying me i call the Dr.

    In the end i go with my gut.

  9. It depends on the question at hand, but:

    - Pediatrician

    - my mom (she's a Dr)

    - other friends with older children.

    Mainly because they have the knwoledge and the experience.

  10. Depends on the type of question. If I have a strong gut instinct about something I'll go with that and it's generally right. If I am unsure, then my dad is usually my first port of call. If it's medical, I will ask my dad but if I'm very concerned I'll ask a doctor or health visitor. I have a handful of friends with babies but we all have very different parenting techniques and there are a couple of them who do things that I secretly don't agree with, so I tend to avoid current parents of babies. If it's a non-important question that I'd just like to get an idea of a number of people's opinions on then I'll ask here or on a parenting forum I visit. But, as a rule, I take anything said on the internet with a pinch of salt and would rarely use it to influence my actions and I suggest anybody else do the same, as for all we know it could be a 12 year old kid sitting at the other end of the computer! I also tend to avoid taking advice from 'research' as there is so much of it out there that conflicts each other, and it varies from country to country, and while some of it I incidentally agree with, a lot I am sceptical about and I prefer to go with my own instincts over scientific research when, for all I know, the scientists who performed this research were probably uni students or people who've never even had children!

  11. all of the above, lol...but in the end I listen to my gut and do what I feel is best.

  12. Most of the time I just go to my Mom....I figure she raised me and my 2 sisters and we turned out ok so she must know something.  If she doesn't know the answer I'll call the doctor.

  13. Well, I'll listen to every ones advice, really.  You would sometimes be surprised by who gives you the most sensible advice.  

    One time a waitress at a mexican restaurant gave me some really good breastfeeding advice!  I don't know how the advice came about, but it was the best advice I got on the subject.  Apparently everyone in her family breastfed so it was just a no brain-er for her, where as everyone in my life (including the doc) was like, "huh? what?  Just give her a bottle"

    It will just have to go through a lot of filters before I actually implement it (1st filter: common sense; 2nd filter: instincts; 3rd filter:  a little research)

  14. We come to Y!A, baby -- where else?


  15. I usually use my experience with my other children but if that doesn't work, I'll go to my parents and my in laws.  If no one has answers and it is medical, I will then make a doctor's appointment.

    It really depends on how urgent the situation is, who I ask first.

  16. well i think its really important to listen to your instinct. your baby is so unique and a mother spends soo much time with their baby that they know their baby better than anyone else. and when something isnt right they just know it.

    then i think once a mother has noticed something isnt right or normal, they should do alittle research- talk to other moms to see if its normal, maybe call your parents. if everyone says it happened to their child then it probably dosent need medical attention. however if people say it sounds strange or noone ever experienced that, then i think the doctor should be called.

    but motherly instinct is soo important. if you truely feel something is wrong and the doctor is dismissing it as nothing, consult in another doctor.  

  17. I will mostly go with the motherly instinct.  But when in doubt I will get advice from another mother, another mother who I know well of course.  And even then I get their advice and decide what I want to go with.  I feel like being a mother bring out a natural mother, a lot parenting can be based of instinct.

  18. depends on the ?

    regular one

    mom or sister

    med one


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