
When you have a question reinstated by Yahoo.....?

by  |  earlier

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you get your points back and an apology.Does the erroneous/malicious reporter lose any points or get a rollocking?

Should they?

My Question had been posted in CE.(The one about Christian the lion)




  1. I very much doubt that anything happens to the reporter. This is Yahoo not the CPS.

  2. Well done for getting your question back. its a sad thing when people have to be so petty as to report something like that its worse than playground stuff.

  3. Do you know Misty. When I have complained I never even get an answer. So maybe you have more chance than seeing god

  4. The reporter loses influence, i.e its reports wont be taken seriously by Yahoo.

    Congrats on getting that really cool lion question back.

    Even if it did make me cry :)

  5. No idea, I have virtually given up appealing I only every got one answer reinstated and it was silly really what is the point it was not there to get the top answer.  

  6. all we know is "they lose influence" but what that means is anyones guess

  7. The reporter looses credibility with the community Misty-especially if they are persistent with their unfair reporting!

  8. Thats funny because I got my cool lion one reinstated too:

    Hi §hambo J,

    Thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal. Upon review, we found the following question was not in violation of the Answers Community Guidelines:

    "Wow Like Wow, How Cool Is This Lion?"

    The Yahoo! Answers Team regrets that your question was wrongfully reported by the Answers community. Your question has been reposted to Yahoo! Answers, and we are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    As a result of your appeal, the people who reported your question will have less influence when reporting abuse in the future.


    Yahoo! Answers Team

  9. I hope Plato is right. I have only had a few answers deleted and I never appeal.  I did miss your Christian the lion question though, I answered it and saved it to show to my grandchildren, I was miffed when it disappeared.

    I am pleased that you got your appeal granted.  And yes the reporter should get the maximum Yahoo can inflict on such a spoilsport.

    Perhaps reporting should be left to the TCs there are enough of them to do a good job.

    Yahoo must know the answer to the huge problems being caused.

  10. I think I appealled once but they never even had the decency to reply, even with a confirmation and I didn't get the points back, so never bothered again. There's more important things in life.

  11. Glad it was reinstated I was majorly p1ssed off over that one. The thing is whoever reported the Q also reported most of the answers as well...

    I got my answer removed for insulting another user. grr

  12. idk but p-lease please!!! answer my question:

    is this some sick joke played by the government or a group of psychos trying to scare off the population... please help me understand this better

  13. That's never happened to me before, all the appeals I've tried haven't done any good.

  14. I appeal every violation and I get hee haw from Yahoo. me thinks you are offering the violation team favours missy. I smell a conspiracy, again, and again, and again.  

  15. Glad to learn you won your was ridiculous to begin with.

  16. Never appealed. i seriously wouldn't have a leg to stand on would i ? lol x

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