
When you have achieved the pinnacle of your life, how do you go on?

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Take Michael Phelps, for example...what could he possibly look forward to now? Can anything compare to the moment he had last night?

Not that I achieved that mighty height, but I believe that last year I achieved spiritual, emotional, and physical heights that will never happen to me again. Now I feel hopeless and there's no point in existing anymore.

Ever felt that way?




  1. How can you be so sure you have achived everything you need to? Life isn't always about 'achiving heights' Maybe there is purpose in the way you are feeling now.

  2. ...i surf every day, come home eat, chat with my missus, log in on Y!A a dvd or two...go to bed...repeat all after i...

    ...i have no expectations of others or myself ...i enjoy all in the moment...thanks for asking...

  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    n\how do you know it wasn't just a step


    you were even on the right path

  4. I have felt just that. There are times where i'm at this amazing peak of greatness, where I've achieved things socially, mentally, spiritually, and artistically. I'm kindof giong through that now, becuase during school I had alot of things going for me and had reached a peak. I know how you feel, but I realized something. Once you've reached one peak it's time to get to the next. Enjoy it while it lasts and then either improve it or start something new. You always have something to exist for.

  5. There is nothing more important then the work of this life as we prepare for the next.

    Physical achievements are to be admired for what they are and how they may have been achieved but this is not always an indicator of character, that personal development needed  for what lies ahead.

    When evolving people have passed through the physical, intellectual, and social stages of development, sooner or later they attain those levels of personal insight which impel them to seek for spiritual satisfactions and cosmic understanding

  6. No, Jesus keeps me humble and grounded.Yesterday is history so every day is a new day faced with different challenges. The pinnacle of our life should be heaven and when we reach that this life is over and a new one has begun.

  7. Phelps has the next world championships and olympics to look forward to.  He is still young.  As for you, uhm...I don't know, try something new.

  8. yaaawn............

  9. It's kinda like when you have babies.  You don't get to keep having that wondrous moment when you first met the little bundle of joy, but you get to experience diaper rash, colic, first steps, first words...

    Life's all about ups and downs.  Hey, you could always try to help someone else achieve a pinnacle!  And think about how you would be if you hadn't ever experienced that pinnacle... would you rather not have?

  10. You're right, when you've reached your pinnacle your back at square one because you feel there's not point in existing any more, therefore we can never really reach our pinnacle.

  11. Michael Phelps has not reached the pinnacle of life.  There is not a pinnacle....there is only on going life.    Michael still wants to live, love and experience life.  You don't give up because you won the race.  You look forward to the next race...and if you lose the next race...that is an important part of life to experience too.

  12. Nope..once I have achieved something I move onto something else that is completely new to me until I am the best i can be at that thing! This will never end!

  13. The key is never settle for a single, finite pinnacle. Keep going higher and higher.

  14. You go on very happily knowing you have all of your achievements to looks back on, there are always more goals you can set.

  15. well for him maybe now he'll want to focus on marriage or family,,our work is never done even if you've hit the climax of your life you can only go higher(or lower?)

  16. You're kidding, right?  You NEVER quit setting goals for yourself.  I'm sure Michael Phelps will have another personal goal in no time; someone like him probably has an endless number of goals.  

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