
When you have alot to drink and you cant remember much in the morning, does the memory ever come back later?

by  |  earlier

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lat night i had quite a bit to drink and when i got home in the morning i wake up to discover i had lost my coat and my phone and im so so so so so annoyed and upset. id only had the phone 3 days... people said i walked off into the woods but i dont remember, will my memory come back so i can retrace my steps? i must have been wasted cos i woke up with sick on my jeans and didnt even realise!





  1. Oh dear...  Yes, if I remember rightly, the memory does tend to come back.  try ringing the phone to see if anyone has picked it up.

    Maybe have a couple less beers next time or things could be a lot worse.  Always remain lucid.

  2. only bits of it ever return, you'll never get it all back, sadly, I know from lots of experience.

  3. Probably not, sometimes you will get bits and pieces back but u will never ever remember the full night. Sorry and hope you get your stuff back.

  4. sometimes it comes back in bits but alot of times you will have to rely on your mates to fill in any blanks, ask them to tell you everything they remember it might jog your memory.

  5. I don't let myself get in that kind of state Hun...

  6. Your memory may return but it may not. I don't drink so much no but I've had similar experiences, often my memory would come back after a week or so but once I got very stupidly drunk, we started playing drinking games at 11am. I was so drunk that I still can't remember 8 hours of that day. I passed out and got taken home around 3pm and still have no memory of what happened, people have told me and I've seen a few photos, its scary seeing yourself in a picture and having absolutely no memory of it, its like looking at a different person. Sorry if it sounds like I'm lecturing you but it made me realise how dangerous alcohol can be and I don't drink to get absolutely wasted anymore, I could have been raped or something and wouldn't know about it!

  7. In my experience the memory does return but not necessarily detailed enough to know exactly where you've been - maybe if you got lashed again you'd go the same way!

  8. I only really remember forgotten parts if someone was there and refreshes my memory. If you were on your own I doubt much will come back to you..

  9. Only when it suits you..

  10. your memory will come back in the form of friends happy to tell you what an idiot you made of yourself.  Seriously, I would say no.   Ask those with you where you walked into the woods.  Afterall, if they were there to see you do it, they must know where you went in at.

  11. Only if you don't make a habit of it. If you DO, you'll find it will get worse......!

  12. Nope, you'll never get those memories back again, I've had plenty of lost hours. Its part of the fun to find out your actions from your friends.

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