
When you have asked a pet question in the past, how did you feel about the answers that were given?

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When I first started working in the pet business I had a bit more attitude about myself (still do sometimes). I was told in a nice way that it was great that I was so "passionate" about my beliefs, but I could stand to take a look in the mirror and ask myself If I thought others appreciated the way I went about expressing my "passion." I was told that teaching others about my beliefs would work better than telling them off and that I was hurting people's feelings when I was rude. I still struggle with it and I do come off haughty more times than I would like to admit. However, as I read some of the answers given to seemingly innocent questions, I can't help but be taken aback by the sheer audacity of some of the people on this site. I'm not disputing the validity of some of these answers, just the delivery. More flies with honey, ya know? I just want to know from the people that ASK the questions, have you ever, ever, ever, changed the way you treat your pets because someone on this site yelled at you, or did you take the advice of the nice person, even though it may not have been the factual "best answer"? Were you put off by someone on their high horse, or did the lecture really hit home? I am really curious, because if all that INTERNET SHOUTING works, I really will be surprised. I understand that many people who choose to answer may be very passionate about thier beliefs, especially when the well being of the pet is in question. However, is it really effective to make someone feel like c**p, or is it counterproductive?




  1. i find when you ask questions on here (especially when it concerns an opinion needed) people seem to be more rude than if you were to ask them face to face. it's like they can hide behind the computer and spout mean and sometimes vicious things and not feel bad about it. but they would never say that to a real person.

    as for me i try to say things as nice as i can and state that it is only my opinion to use their own judgement, and i try even harder to be nice if it is something i totally disagree with because i don't want to come off that way. i agree that you get alot more results with honey  :)

    my motto in life: kill them with kindness

  2. well when i ask a question i really do hope there is a couple people that can answer (a good true answer) of course you got the rude people that answer and wish i can see them face-face so i can punch them but i ignore and i just continue reading good answers that were given, as in questions on my pets well i ask and i look at the answer that i feel were honest and factual then i look it up on pet websites to see if it matches just to be sure. its not effective at all to make someone feel like c**p i remember i asked a question and someone hurt my feelings but i let it go and realized their opinion doesn't and shouldn't matter to me...when it comes to other peoples beliefs and lecturing i myself will decide if i want to take that knowledge with me only if i know its factual  

  3. Ohh I'm with Misty, some people on here are ever so rude! I asked a question about my horse needing to lose weight and people were biting my head off about me feeding him the wrong thing when I asked for exercises I could do, not changing his diet.

    And yes I chose the nicest answer, not the answer from Ms Know-it-all. And people who give rude but possibly true answers, I don't take in, I go with my instincts before some random.

    On the other side of the argument, maybe they don't realise it sounds so mean. Maybe they mean it one way but as it's only writing, we don't understand the tone they mean it in. Maybe they are generally concerned but it comes across as their poking their head in where it isn't needed. If that makes any sense. ha ha.

    Any way, that's my opinion from my experience. Enjoy!

  4. I haven't asked too many questions on here, but, on another forum I had asked some questions and got some 'not nice at all' answers. But, I did kinda deserve it, I was feeding my pets some off brand food from the grocery store and actually believed it was decent. It was something I had never really thought to research. I was pretty taken aback by the responses I'd gotten and did not continue to frequent that site, but, it did get me to research nutrition. It would've worked a lot better if they would've steered me to some information on the topic instead of just telling me I was feeding my pets c**p and was a lousy owner.

    I do want to do what's best for my pets, so while I may not respect someone that cannot educate in a halfway respectful manner, it may get me to do more research.

    I've seen a lot of answers that were nothing more then someone yelling their opinion with no sound basis behind it nor any references to back it up. But, the friendly sounding, yet useless answer doesn't do me much more good either.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd prefer an audacious, researched answer to a friendly answer from someone that doesn't seem to know as much about the subject. Sure, it's annoying, but, I'd rather learn then have someone coddle me.

    A lot of people who ask questions here don't really want an answer, they just want someone to agree with them even if it's the wrong answer. I'd rather someone call me out and actually teach me something. I'm sturdy enough where my feelings aren't that easily hurt. But, if you're going to yell at me, you better have some references to back it up.  


  5. when i ask a question about my pet someone answered

    go see a vet?????


    its gross?????

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