
When you have been through TRAMATIC EVENTS...ex..Loss of a parent, a spouse and gone to Irac don't you have to

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deal with it by BLOCKING IT OUT...otherwise I feel it COULD drive you crazy...and you are ENTITLED TO A LIFE?? Because you CAN'T work through it...THEY ARE DEAD and you have seen tooo much from IRAC that was bad....There is nothing to work through and could cause DEPRESSION IF YOU HAVE TO.keep talking about it..... What is your take on this...NO PSYCHOLOGISTS PLEASE AND NO PSYCHIATRISTS.???..cuz they want $500.00 and hour, NO OFFENSE. Plus I do know that DIFFERENT things work for DIFFERENT people...that is the truth!!




  1. Blocking it out can cause PSTD and make things worse when they force themselves into the open

  2. lol...funny that your name is procrastination....

    I think blocking it out will only will have to deal with it eventually. There are greif stages that everyone must go through. If you refuse to deal with it, you aren't 'living your life' you are avoiding your life...if you simply go through the greif process and deal with your hurt, anger, sadness, abandonment, etc, then when you are finished you will lgitimately feel at peace...and no longer have to block it out.

  3. Blocking our your feelings will work for a little while.  The problem with that is one day your suppressed feelings will come out and you don't know when that will be.

    I have never been to Iraq but I have lost alot of people in my life, alot, so I understand that pain.  It doesn't get better with each one, it gets worse with each one.  Like you said every one is different.  I just do what I have to everyday feeling the pain, eventually the pain gets less and less.  The pain never gets better, anyone who tells you that is lying, but it lessens.

    Some people are lucky enough to have friends to lean on.  I've never been that lucky, my friends have always disappeared if something bad happened so I have had to learn to deal with everything myself.  The good part is I have a very low tolerance for people. Mess with me once and then they are totally out of my life.

    Depression is normal when you are grieving.  I don't believe in taking happy pills unless a year has passed and you just can't function.

  4. it's called GRIEVING - you go through a period of time where you are pretty much in shock, and then you kinda block out the world and all that - as much as they want to give a pill for every problem - they don't help - you have to go through the grief process and it takes time..

  5. you can start by spelling the country "Iraq" right !!

  6. Different things work for different people.  I blocked serious trauma - death, abuse, rape.  It wasn't war, but when you are a child, it's serious trauma anyway.  It cost me a lot.  I wish I would have talked much earlier, back before I lost a lot of feeling, lived thru deadness, lived with so much depression.  Then it came back to haunt, bite, be in my present in a very real and crazy way.  Do what you need to do to survive right now.  But when you feel alcohol or drugs or hating or dying is the cure, go talk to somebody.  Blocking does not avoid depression.  It just avoids right now.  That's my unprofessional experience that you asked for.  My unprofessional advice is to suck it up and deal with it right now hard as that may be.  It isn't going away until you do something constructive about it.

  7. 1- We've been at war with Iraq 7 years now ........... It's spelled Iraq with a q

    2- You are not entitled to a life. You were born, but the world will take everything you have if it could.  

  8. If you want to block it out, start drinking.

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