
When you have contractions???

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when you have contractions does the baby move around or is he calm and still....I have been having contraction like pains for the past 30 mins off and on but he is moving around as well ....I havent timed them yet but I heard that when they are real contractions the baby doesnt move so what were your experiances??? 37 wks




  1. If the contractions are on and off, then they're not real contractions. Frankly, I was too much in pain to notice if the baby is moving around or not by the time I was having real contractions (my water had broken and then I was in active labor shortly after.) I wouldn't judge it by if the baby is moving around or not though--it makes sense that the baby might move around while being delivered. (Ray's wife here!)

  2. my baby sometimes moves when i have braxton hicks contractions but i have read that babies still move around in labor so don't think that it isn't labor just because your baby is moving around. tho it may not be true labor.

    good luck!!

  3. It is true that the baby doesn't move as much during the last weeks of pregnancy partially because there isn't much room in there to move around; However every woman's pregnancy is different.

    Is the baby moving during the alleged contractions or after? With my two boys they would be moving around before each contraction but stop when the actual contraction occurred. Just time them and if you still think they are real go to the hospital

  4. when it is the real thing they are really uncomfortable painful and you can not speak through them and they are usually 3 minutes a apart or less.

  5. i was in preterm labor for 2 months. normally the baby won't move during contractions. i delievered 2 days after my due date. i would go get it checked out!

  6. Regardless of whether they're active labor contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions, the baby can and will still move around. Especially when they're not terribly painful for you, the baby may decide he/she doesn't like being "squished" and may physically communicate that to you by pushing back against the contraction. When active labor contractions become very strong and very frequent (near the end of stage 2 labor), the baby typically settles down.

    Just start timing and good luck!

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