Most of my friends are doing this, starting with their ultrasound pictures, and then they upload, say, twenty a month as soon as the baby is born. Is privacy a concern to you, or are you not worried? Most of my friends don't seem concerned, and don't take advantage of Facebook's privacy policies- so anyone in their network,(city) and/or friends of friends can see the photos.
We just added my real estate agent on FB- she's in her early twenties and she adds everyone she is in business with, even if she doesn't know them. (I don't know her well at all.) She has posted hundreds of pics of her two year old daughter, some naked, (purely innocent baby pics of course) some in front of her all of hamilton, all of her 900+ friends and our whole city can see her kid. That would make me uncomfortable.
But where do you draw the line? Because pics emailed to or scanned by family member can be snapped up and posted on Flickr, Facebook, Myspace, blogs...anywhere.
What are your thoughts on posting pictures of babies/kids on the internet? There are no wrong answers, I'd just like to hear your opinion :)