
When you hear Australia what comes into mind?

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Do American's really think that Kangaroo's live in our backyards? I've had some tourists ask me and just wanted to know if that's what you all think




  1. Crocodile hunter.

    Chad Reed.

    A country worth visiting.

  2. We have plenty of wildlife and nature although i really don't think of that when i hear Australia i think:

    beach, sun, people, coast, city,

    i live in western Australia and i seriously don't know anyone with a kangaroo as a pet! Americans (not all) just think we talk weird and we have a big rock, but don't we have news for them. this is a wonderful country and i get teary hearing "still call Australia home" and the national anthem. its there bad and they missing out, besides were else can you play Australian rules football greatest sport ever.

    Your from NSW so you might not agree with me on the last sentence!

  3. Rocks and desert come to mind.

  4. I think of kangaroo's,, and the sydney opera house(i think that's what it's called).

  5. I do think Kangaroos

    but for sure I know they don't appear just everywhere.

    its just a little image that pops up ever since i was a little kid

  6. wtf? is that country on this planet (i'm not dumb but thats what comes in my mind) all world has problems wars tragedies and Australia is just there... nothing i know about it

  7. well i do think of kangaroos, but i know that they in the outback, and not technically in peoples' backyards. but, i also think of aussie slang. i love it.

  8. Unique, Australia has it's own identity.  Unique  Flora and fauna.

  9. I live in a country area of NSW, here in OZ. And yes, I do have Kangaroos in the back yard sometimes. So it does happen in some areas.  I also have a sh#tload of spiders and the occasional Brown snake and Copperheads also wander through (In Summer) But my lil jack russel gives em h**l, lol.

    I love this country and everything in it (Except the price of fuel)

  10. discrimination!!!!

  11. top of the list of places i want to visit

  12. i think outback

  13. i think HOME! im living abroad now, but its always so fun to come back to aus.

  14. native ppl

  15. sydney opera house, the eighth wonder of the world.

  16. best country on earth.

    what else is there to think about?

  17. I live here, I don't see what is so wierd when it comes to Australia.

    When i think of england I think of rolling hills and snow,

    When i think of america I thing of lush forest, big lakes and big cities.

    So whatever weird ideas you have of us, we also have back at you.

    PS. you may not believe this, but we used to have 2 kangaroos in our back yard.They were injured so we looked after them untill they got better.

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