
When you hear the "F" word even when it is not addressed to you, how do you feel ? Annoyed or doesn't matter ?

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When you hear the "F" word even when it is not addressed to you, how do you feel ? Annoyed or doesn't matter ?




  1. I use it...but in the safety of my own room when no one is but in public, using bad words makes you look like you weren't brought up properly, and actually reflects poorly on your family, background, and etc. It never hurts to use substitutions...i use words like fish or fudge...:)

  2. I really don't give a f*ck if you use the word, whether it's addressed to me or not.

  3. I don't like to hear it out in public because I think it's rude to assume that everyone is used to hearing that word.

    At home or with my family I don't even notice's just part of the language of my entire family....right down to my mother and deceased grandmother.

  4. I don't give a F***

  5. I use it all the time accidentally. Even though i swear like a pirate, when i hear other people say its a little bit shocking.

  6. I could care less - so many people use it freely now so it's just like saying "happy" LOL

  7. doesn't bother me. I probably use the word a dozen times a day.

  8. I'm annoyed to hear it and it depends on how it is said. People who use it all the time usually have an impoverished vocabulary or are very unhappy or depressed deep down inside. It's a word that the world could really do without.

  9. YES! I hate it when people talk that way. It makes me feel upset. I wish people would just say Snap! or Drat! or the one I made up myself, Fudruckers! (Yes, the resturant Fudruckers)


  10. people have a heart attack over words that people created to be curse/forbidden words. however, i don't say them because I'm just not use to doing it and if it offends somebody, then why say it.

    however, when i hear it, i rather not hear it when somebody is just cursing loudly in public. that embarrasses the heck out of me. but if its just between friends and i happen to hear it, then its no big deal.

  11. It's a nasty word... it makes you look dumb when you use foul language... Be creative and think of a better word...

  12. Annoyed. I will think it's a passive aggressive thing directed at me.

  13. I hear it about 20 times a day while at school. If people say it now and then when something really annoys them, then that's fine, sometimes you need to swear to feel better.

    But sometimes its like the f-word is the only word that people know! And its all, "Yo f*** this and I was like F***!!! and f***ing f*** !!!"

    Its people who do that, that I just shake my head at as I walk by.

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