
When you hear the word "Americans", what's the first thing that comes to your mind?

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When you hear the word "Americans", what's the first thing that comes to your mind?




  1. fast food


  2. McDonalds.

  3. Vomit.

  4. citizens of the united states of america.


  5. Better than Middle Eastern.

  6. A picture of some Russian soldier's face as he mutters that word.

  7. Stars and stripes. A lot of Americans are really over patriotic. They talk about how their country is the greatest country in the world and stuff like that when their country has some of the leading problems:



    Division on important issues


    America is the leader in a lot of these problems.

  8. sheep

  9. white people.  

  10. fat people...and famous people

  11. overweight

  12. Lazy.

    And I live in US, I see my own people are just extremely lazy.  Sorry folks , I just had to say it

  13. Shrewed business people with no heart.  They only see their interest and not think about fellow humans who are poverty stricken.

  14. I personally feel Patriotic since I think this is the best country to live in. The opportunities available are limitless.

    On the otherhand, I do travel a lot and the first word non-Americans think of is "stupid"

  15. opportunties to White Males with Property.

  16. Diversity. It irritates me when people on here say negative things towards all Americans. We absolutely have more than our fair share of a******s, but we also have hard working, decent, honest people -- just like every country out there. All they know about us is what their media feeds them. If those people arent finding any fault in their own Country, they aren't looking very hard.

  17. One word to describe....."Wow." (In a bitter-sweet sense) It's great in some ways, but sad in others.

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