
When you heard your babies first 'words'...

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When you heard your baby say some of their first words, did it make you realize that you might just use that certain word WAY too much???

Johnny has just started saying "Uh-ohhhhh". He says it all the time now. But hearing him say it made me realize that I say Uh-Oh like 50 times a day. I say it even more now that he says it. I never thought I actually said it that much, but I do, lol

Am I nuts?




  1. LOL nope you're not crazy, I've been going through the same thing :) I didn't realise how often I told my son that I'd be right back, gotta go to the bathroom (I'm pregnant, so its a regular thing). and now he often says baffhoom when he needs his diaper changed.  

  2. I remember when my oldest started talking, he would say words and I would think, "where did he get that from".  My husband, family, and friends would point out that he got it from me b/c I say it all of the time and I never even realized I did.  I can't think of a specific word but there were several that I never realized I used on a regular basis until he started saying them.

  3. LOL that made me laugh a little. As a mother of 4 children I can understand what you mean, and trust me it continues, lol. I realize I say a lot of random words that my kids tends to pick up and start saying,

    Kids are funny. Enjoy every minute of it.

  4. no i think you are having fun with your baby. :)

    Don't worry about it. My mom pointed out one day that I said no to much, but all well. My son used to say "wow" about everything. One christmas a couple of years ago one the way to my parents house with my dad, james sat in the back seat the whole time "woooow" every 5 seconds or so. It was so adorable.

    Enjoy this because it goes buy soooo fast. My little boy is now four and I really miss that baby stage.  

  5. yep thats what my daughter did and does too. when she would tell me stories i would say 'no way' and then i relized when she started saying it all the time that i said it all the time too. also when i drive i would yell at people to move out of my way, then from the backseat i started hearing 'move, move, move'! she does it with a lot of stuff though, they do what they see and they say what they hear.

  6. Well, I think you have a point there. I never really noticed that before. My daughter's first word was 'baby' and thinking back... I would say that word all the time. So would my husband. We would say it while talking to her. You know, things like, "my sweet baby" and my nickname for her at the time was Baby Jules. But, now we're not allowed to call her baby at all. She's a "big girl" now. LOL

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