
When you homeschool your kids when can you expect a visit from a socialworker?

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i don't know anything about homeschooling im just considering the options for my kids.




  1. Never. Unless you happen to have really horrible in-laws or neighbours who are willing to make trouble that way. That's the only time a social worker will come--when somebody has reported you for suspected negligence or abuse simply because they don't like homeschooling.

  2. Homeschooling is legal and no visits from a social worker or necessary.  If a social worker visited our home, they'd make it no further than our doorstep.  In fact, I do not believe the government should intervene in the lives of homeschoolers at all.

    Here's some info for you:

  3. Why would you think a social worker would come? They dont send out Human Services to make sure children are doing their homework. Social Workers have much more urgent life and death situations to deal with.

  4. I never have had a visit from a social worker you register that your home schooled sounds like maybe problem?Home Schooling Mom

  5. don't.  Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, we don't take it on "expecting" a visit from a social worker.

    Social workers are sent out when someone is breaking the law and a child is in danger.  Homeschooling is legal, therefore we're not breaking any laws; and children are actually safer in a homeschool environment (about 99.9% of the time, anyway), so they wouldn't have any cause there, either.

    We haven't seen one in 4 years of homeschooling, and we don't "expect" to.

    Edit - Gotcha.  There are hs families that have been visited by social workers, but these are usually either in a state that is very anti-homeschool (PA, NY, etc.) or in a case when a vindictive family member or neighbor invented an accusation and called social services.  Most homeschoolers are never visited by social workers.

    However, organizations like HSLDA can help if you ever are - you literally call them while the social worker is on your doorstep, hand them your cell phone (without allowing them into the house), and HSLDA takes care of everything.

    Hope that helps :-)

  6. depends if he is a pedophile he`ll come every day!

  7. uh, why would a homeschooling family require a visit from a social worker?

  8. It depends.  Most times not.  But, I have heard of neighbours being really nasty and deciding to call the children's services (Children's Aid Society in Canada here), and show up.  This was a homeschooling family of 7 (now 8!) and they didn't do anything wrong.  So, they found out it was the neighbour causing grief and that was the end.

    ALSO. if the Board of Education find out that you are not providing your homeschooled child with education, then they can be told to go to school.

    The is HomeSchool Legal Defense Association in Canada and the USA... worth knowing them a bit, maybe even having a membership.

    Hope it helps, feel free to email if you have more homeschooling questions.


  9. Homeschool has become commonplace.  In most states, you will not have problems, assuming you are actually teaching your children.  In Ohio, homeschooling is well-protected under law.  As long as your children aren't having other issues that attract attention, you will not be bothered.  Other states are not so fortunate.  

    Most states have a homeschool network that has legal backing to help answer these questions.  In Ohio, the Homeschool Legal Defense program assists with all these issues.

  10. Maybe every thirty years?  I've been homeschooling for 18 years and haven't had a visit from a social worker yet.  Why would I?  When would you expect a visit if your kids went to public or private school?

  11. I never had a visit from a social worker when I home schooled.

  12. Same times you would expect if your kids are in another type of school.

  13. EDITED TO ADD, after reading some of your responses in this forum...

    Why do you ask?  It seems to me you are trolling.  You are anti-HS'ing after "3rd grade" and you seem to think kids who HS are social misfits.


    Never.  If someone did call me in, because they saw my son out during the day (gasp!), I do not even have to let them in my door.  HS'ing is legal.  There are no requirements for registering, or reporting, in my state.

    I have a child in the public school system also, and both our home district, and the district she attends, knows we HS her brother and they have no problems with it.  In fact, he attends all of her IEP meetings and actually has a lot of input.

    So since the public schools don't care that I HS, then why would anyone else?

  14. I never expect one. Our kids are healthy and their work is far ahead of public school teaching. A social worker would go cross eyed if she saw how complex their lessons are.

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