
When you host foster children, can you go out of state on vacation? Do you have to get permission from anyone?

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In Tennessee, if it matters. I didn't know where to put this question, so I'm trying here.




  1. You have to talk to the case worker to find out what restrictions exist.  My sister's relative is a foster parent and had to have permission to take the kids out of state for a hurricane (FL).

  2. Our children were placed Pre-Adopt and during the nearly year it took to finalize we had to have written premission and the placement papers with us everytime we crossed state lines---living on the boarder and working in one state--sleeping an another made that year really rough!

    We even needed written permission and placement papers for Take Your Daughter to Work day or the company picnic...

    When children are Foster Placement the State is the Parent and should give permission and be informed of all matters that have to do with the walfare of the child.....

  3. You will have to talk with their case worker about this. I know when my parents did foster care they had to get permission from their case worker and the parent had to be notified as well.

  4. We always had to get a travel letter when travelling out of our province (state).

  5. You generally have to get permission from the court or governing body to take foster kids out of the jurisdiction.

  6. you have to get  premission and signed slip from the child case worker.  you are encouaged  to take them but you have to pay for them as they are your own (Which shouldn't be a problem but form some it is)     if you don't want to you can put them in respite

  7. In the state I live in, we had to get permission from the Department.  Children in care are usually on state insurance (Medicaid) and it doesn't not cover kids when they are across the state line.  That is one big issue.  Another would be if it interferes with a child and parent visit.  You do however have the option for respet care.  Often times anther certified foster family can keep the children while you are away.

  8. I think the best thing to do would be to check with the caseworker. I don't see it being a problem, but make sure you talk to the caseworker.

  9. When Iwas in S.c. I always let them know.

  10. It has to be approved by CPS.  In KY we have to get the bio parents permission before we can approve it.  That is, if the parents still have their parental rights, which most of them do.

  11. It depends on the state. Once I needed to have a form signed with dates, places and his dad has to sign. Then a month later they just gave me verbal approval to go, no form or dates or places. Our case worker was also kinda lazy. If the parents refuse to sign, your case worker can take it to the judge & our CW told me that the judge almost always approves it. Just see...

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