
When you hug a guy does it matter where the arms go?

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Does it mean any different if you put your arms around his neck vs. under his arms?




  1. If you let the guy wrap his arms around your waist, it can show more that you are interested in him, if you let him wrap his arms around your shoulders, means more of a friend thing.

    My girlfriend is 10 inches shorter than me, but most of our hugs i have my arms under hers for a hug.

    Most boys don't pick up on this consciencely, but they still get it.

  2. It all depends on the value of the hug.  If it's just a regular hug then u go under his arms, but if its an intimate hug then u go around his neck.  The same with slow dancing, around the waist 2 keep ya distance & around the neck to get'cha bump n grind on.  LOL

  3. My guy is a little taller than me, so mine always end up around his middle. Just do the hug that feels comfortable with the guy your with. You will develop a fit right for the two of you.

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