
When you ignore a user on 360. Are they able to read comments posted on my page?

by  |  earlier

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LOL@ Holy smoked

Thx@ 8 track :D




  1. you have to adjust your settings to so that only those in your network can read your page.  

  2. yes!! i can still read your comments... wtf???

    thanks for the ignore

  3. Yes. The ignore feature has nothing to do with comments. It only involves communication settings like messages, invitations and IMs. See .

    There is no way to block anyone from seeing your Top Page comments. You can block them from making comments (through re-setting the permissions for that module), but the viewing of comments is automatically public and can't be changed from that status.

    You can block someone from viewing your blog comments, if you change your permissions for the blog (i.e. "who can view your blog") to something other than "public". Click "My Blog", then "Edit Blog Settings" at the top of the next page to make adjustments. See for more information on permissions.

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