
When you join the mariens do you go away for 4 yrs?

by  |  earlier

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i herd that somem ppl go for 4 yrs and soem don wats with that?? do you half too or you can decide




  1. If your talking about deployment, I, am pretty sure deployment is anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half. I don't know about being able to deploy for 4 years though.

    If your talking about enlistment it's 4 years active and you get to visit family every once in a while.

  2. Umm... When someone enlists it is usually for four years.  I have never heard of anyone enlisting for a shorter time.  I know people who have (just recently) reenlisted/extended for one to two years.  But as far as a person's initial enlistment... it's four years.  I know people who also, upon commision, are going to serve anywhere between eight to fourteen years with the military.

  3. I think you go to bootcamp and your other training, then sign on for how many years you're gonna do. My brother's doing 5...

    Sorry I don't know a whole lot about it. You can look it up on Wikipedia or something.

    Good luck!!  

  4. Its M-A-R-I-N-E-S, easy word of 7 letters, the "M" is always in caps.

    Yes, you go away for the term of enlistment UNLESS you are LUCKY enough to be stationed close to home.

    Why (Is that a valid translation of your query)?

    You are in the military and they send you where they need you.

    If you want to stay at home and must have mommy fluff your pillows and turn down your sheets, DO NOT ENLIST.

    BTW, can you work on those English and typing skills?  It is difficult for those of us with GEDs to understand such incohesive gibberish.

  5. 1- It's MARINES

    2- you do 4 years active, 4 years in-active.

  6. Usually, the enlistment is 4 years active, and 4 years reserve. I've never heard of anything less. And, no, you can't decide.

  7. You sign an 8 yr contract (4 years active & 4 years individual readiness reserves - IRR). Where you're stationed for your active tour is dependent upon your MOS and where the Marine Corps needs you at the time. You could spend all of your 4 years abroad (and that includes a lot of places other than Afghanistan & Iraq), you could be stateside the entire 4 yrs, or it could be a mix of stateside and abroad. It just depends on where the military needs you at the time.

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