
When you let your cockatiel birds out of the cage?

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Do they come on your shoulder?????? Mines go on peoples shoulders, heads, eat outta my dinner plates, very friendly, they whistle, sing tunes, and sit on rodaios and clocks, theya lso go on the fan, they hide under beds, lay eggs, walk all over the floor..........




  1. all of that plus climbs on anything, hids in small corners, and poops on everything

  2. Flying onto fans is risky, many birds have been killed by fan's.

    Giving our birds free flight in the house is fun and good for the birds, but we also must be careful of items that can endanger them.

  3. Very normal behavior, be cautious of fans, hot cook stoves, and eating off your plate, some people food is ok but anything with salt is bad and tomatoes are toxic

  4. well i recomened keeping the door in the bird room or where ever your cage is, closed. you should buy a play pen for them & keep it in the room near or ontop of their cage. the one i have for mine keeps them happy. you can order it here:

    if they're trained to stay on your shoulder, then they can come out of the room, like mine do.

  5. Wow, it sounds like you birds are SUPER happy!  The only thing is probably not a problem or you would have not mentioned it in your questioin.  Sometimes birds who have a tendancy to be protective will bite faces because their eyes are higher than the eyes of the face of the person whose shoulder they are on (not the case with the cocaktiel).  I'm pretty sure the fan you mention is the ceiling fan and I would assume it's turned off or they woudn't land on it.  The other thing to watch out for might become a problem in the future:if your female lays eggs, she uses up a lot of calcium to do it and if the calcium gets depleted, she may become eggbound, which means the eggs get stuck inside her and she could die very quickly.  Otherwise it sounds like your birds are really really happy.  And someone else said that tomatoes are toxic to birds.  That is not true.  Mine LOVE the seeds and love tomato sauce from pizza.  Salt really should be limited and water always available in the cage, but closely supervised outside the cage to prevent drowning.  Avacados are the only thing that I see always stated as toxic.  I also avoid mushrooms because that's a fungus and it just doesn't seem right.

  6. it is natural for them to do those things. If you dont like them doing that, try leaving them in there cages.

  7. Free flighted birds are lots of fun, but there are a lot of dangers around,fans, open doors, cooking in the kitchen, etc. One thing you must be aware of is Teflon, nonstick pans heated on high put out toxic fumes that can kill your birds. So becareful when your birds are out, watch them carefully so you don't have to be sad if something happens to one of them

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