
When you look at Sarah Palin, do you sense John McCain as whimsical?

by Guest62684  |  earlier

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When you look at Sarah Palin, do you sense John McCain as whimsical?




  1. McCain is demonstrating to the country his impulsive and careless attributes. Perhaps these are the same qualities that cause him to crash five jets. Irrational decisions is something the American people can't afford after President George Bush.

  2. Well he likes Sarah's *** quite a bit.  That old rapscalion!

    Hope this helps

  3. Whimsical?  Nah.  I see a tottering old man that can't remember what he said last week.

  4. h**l, I'm married and I want her.  My wife even said she wanted her.

  5. I don't's kind of hard to imagine John McCain as "whimsical", period...

  6. mcain is trying to be like obama........the whole change

    but i think he screwed up big time.

  7. Nope.

    Just as a Soul Mate.

  8. yes. Isnt' the rule of thumb to select a candidate that won't hurt your campaign? poor choice, i think but i'm not a right wing conservative either.  

  9. Not at all---I sense a wise man who selected a fine Lady that is just right for today's V.P,

  10. No, I think it was a strong and bold choice.

  11. Very much so.

  12. It's well known in D.C. that McCain's choice was Lieberman but the right wing of the party threatened revolt because they consider him too "liberal."  In retailiation McCain "picked from the hip" an attractive right wing woman without doing hardly any research.  Sort of a "If you don't like my choice take that!"

    McCain is known to have a strong temper that often gets the best of him.  I don't thbink that is a good character traight fro a President and this unchecked, reactionary choice illustrates it.

  13. Funny...I always get that sense when I look at Obama

  14. No. Maverick and reformer leap into mind.

  15. comedy sh*t you can use "John McCain" and "whimsical" in a question....

  16. No I sense John McCain as wanting to get in her pants.

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