
When you look at the full moon, what do you think about?

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I think about how many stars there can possibly be in this universe.




  1. I think about werewolf's:]  The moon is so beautiful.

  2. whatever i feel like thinking about...

  3. The stars have an infinity number because the universe keeps expanding like a university students brain which i can tell ur not 1 of them !!!!

  4. I think that there are people, especially one, on the other side of the world who can see the same moon. :)

  5. i think about all the beauty,the moon is like a flawless, gorgeous, pale, mesmerizing, indescribable object, i always find myself think how much i would love to be up there and what it would be like, i love the moon and full moons are my favorite, i love how we as humans always have something so gorgeous to look at, no matter whats going on, through all the earthly disasters that go on, i always think about how, no matter what the moon is there. i know. lame. but that's what a full moon make me think about

  6. I think about how beautiful it is. I also think about Halloween. I love thinking about stuff like ware wolves and vampires and how I wish they were real. lol. weird- huh?

  7. I wish I could see the other side of the moon. We can always view only one side. SAD....

  8. I usually think about how cool it would be to be up there walking around.  

  9. About how many decades it's been since we were last there, and how long it'll be until we go there again. Fifty years between moon missions is just too long!

  10. I think about all my family and friends that live so far away can see the same moon at the same time as I do.   Neat, huh?   That would be the only thing that we can see at the same time at that very moment together.

  11. I think about 1969 when we had people there for the first time.

  12. I think that it has been 36 years since anyone has been there, and that is sad.

  13. When I look at the full moon, I just think about the moon itself. It's very pretty when there's a full moon, and sometimes there's a beautiful light surrounding the moon. You know every full moon and  and non- moon, i eat vegetarian, so when i see the full moon, I feel proud for some strange reason. Haha

  14. Domino's 5-5-5 deal. Three medium pizzas for only 5 dollars each.  

  15. I think about what a tiny little speck the earth is and how my little insignificant life has no bearing on the universe.

  16. when i look at the full moon i don't think about anything.  My thoughts give way to pure instinct.  My vision blurs and I feel the changes coming.  I glance at my reflection in a muddy pool and in the sudden brilliance of unclouded moonlight i see myself for the first time and I know.  I know.

    I'm a werewolf.

  17. when i look at the full moon i feel calm. like even if i've been mad for days about something i just sit and watch it and the stars.. doing what you do which is wondering about the stars.

  18. i know this is stupid. but i usually try to imitate the face of the moon.

    its just something i do without thinking.

  19. I think about how close 2020 is! When humans finally get back (hopefully for good)! And also about the good times that came about because of Kennedy setting an 'unachievable' goal for USA back in the 60's! God bless him!

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