You know this may be one of the most important questions you could ever come across. What, why is a question about a mirror so important, your stupid. Well when you look in the mirror what tends to pop out the most to you. Your flaws, your flabby skin, your wrinkles, your acne or acne scars, how skinny or how fat you may be. Well I'm sure your still curious about how important this question is. Well when you focus on your flaws, it tends to show how look at your life. When you look at your beautiful flaws, you look at what you probably don't have or all the problems you may think you have. To me that is very sad, because your missing out on the beauty in life, and that there truly is the most beauty in what you think is ugly. When you focus on your flaws, your life really seems to suck, nothing seems to go right for you, and EVERYTHING around you seems to disappoint you. Well it's because you focus on what's not making you happy, and in the end that's what stands out with a loud voice, all those problems. It seems like everything is negative and other people are to blame for what's going wrong in YOUR life. When you think it's going to be other people to show how beautiful you really or other people to make you happy, well sad to say your always going to be disappointed. There is only one physical person that is going to make you feel good and make you happy yourself, and luckily to there is help to in the emotional and spiritual part of it GOD. So next time you do look in the mirror and you focus on your flaws try to see the wonderful beauty in those flaws, that those flaws are what make you unique and one of a kind. After that everything around you will start unfolding and a light will come into your life. You truly can't fully love another person when you don't truly love yourself first. So take what you want from this and I hope this may help you and make you happy, as i am. Everything happens for a reason, and everything good or bad that happens is really meant to help you, but when you run from that help you can't see, you go on a destructive path. So if you need help or someone to talk to please contact me I know I'm only 18 and you may think I'm just a punk teenager but I'm really not and I without hesitation will help you to the fullest of my knowledge and capabilities Thank you and God bless you all