
When you look things up on Yahoo it seems to keep a list of things you've looked for - can I delete this? How?

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When you look things up on Yahoo it seems to keep a list of things you've looked for - can I delete this? How?




  1. clear your history. or highlight and press delete on keyboard

  2. I think if you delete the cookies in your history everytime you go on the internet then it cant acess what you have looked at before

  3. In this surveillance society, the computer habits of everyone are known to the database. You're only hiding your history from someone else in the house, not your soul. If you are ashamed of where you surf, please get help.

    Not judging you, so; Open the cookies and delete all the yahoo cookies, or try to set them to expire when you close the browser.

  4. Double click the dialogue box, highlight one of the entries and press `Delete` on your key board.

  5. control panel

    internet options

    clear history

    click on each one in order

  6. At the top of your monitor screen,you have alist :


    Click on "Tools"/then pick  "Internet Options"

    The next  Screen (under "General" has option which you use to "CLEAR HISTORY" ----use this to delete:

    "things you've looked for" -----in other words your history

    of recent items......

    Incidentally,on this page you can tell the computer the number of days these things should stay in "history" until they are

    ditched !   Good luck !----wouldn't it be nice if we could do that

    with our daily lives ?

  7. If your talking about the history, go to tools -- internet options and clear history. If your referring to when you type into the search box and it automatically  populates what you have previously typed --- then go to tools - internet options and then go to content and then go to auto complete and hit settings and clear the auto complete. Let me know if this works.

  8. go into tools up on address bar and click / go to delete browsing history

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