
When you make cell phone calls, do you use the same ear or do you alternate with different ears each time?

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I heard somewhere that using the same ear for cell phones increases the chances of brain tumors around that ear. and i've been using the same ear ever since i've started using cell phones.




  1. I switch ears during the phone call.  Just habit.  But I think I'm more comfortable with my left b/c I'm left handed.

    My husband is deaf in one ear. so he HAS to use his right.

    I've never heard of the brain tumor thing though.

  2. The same ear but a lot of times I just use speaker phone because I'm alone. Also, I don't believe in the myth of cell phones causing illnesses like tumors or cancer.

  3. I use my left ear for all calls.  I am deaf in the right.

  4. Odd question, but interesting.  I always use the same ear

  5. Good q

    Same ear most likely

    all the rock music has left me with no tperfect ears.

    AS for my MOUTH,, goes to the side too!  :)

    I hate when it does that

  6. It really doesn't matter, you can use whatever ear and it probably won't make a difference. I don't think you can get tumors because you always use the same ear when you talk on the phone.

  7. I use the same ear I have always used for talking on the phone -- cell and landline phones.  It's hard to change sides when you are partially deaf in one ear.

  8. I always use my left ear, can hear better with that one.

  9. Well I only have one good ear. Therefore.. one side.

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