
When you miscarry when do the "pregnancy symptoms" stop?

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I am in the middle of my doctor determining if I have miscarried or if Im not as far along as they think. I went in today for ultrasound for some bleeding. Im suppose to be about 6 - 61/2 weeks. Well ultrasound sees a fluid filled sac in utereus but no fetus, they took blood to test hcg but wont know until tomorrow. I was told when you miscarry the symptoms go away ASAP since the hormones causing them are gone.. that I should assume that it is earlier then thought. Any truth to this?




  1. i think they go away but you will still feel pregnant for a couple of week while it come out your system, sorry for your loss if you do have one

  2. The symptoms stick around until the HCG levels have dropped all the way. It takes a while to build the HCG and it takes a while to drop. With my ectopic It took like a week for the symptoms to stop, with my m/c it was 3-5 days.

    With my son I had bleeding similar to a period for about 3 months. No cramping with the bleeding is a good sign.

    I hope for the best for you.

  3. I've never heard of that. I miscarried before and I dealt w/ extreme cramping for 2-3 days and lots of heavy bleeding. (I was probably around 5-6 wks along.) It happened to me as soon as I walked into the mall and I had to rush to the bathroom in a dept. store and I almost passed out b/c of the huge loss of blood. I was able to drive home and my friend's mom was a nurse, so she was able to help me get cleaned up and told me what to do. (NO tampons, only pads!)

    If you're earlier than you thought, you may not have quite the same experiences as I had if you're miscarrying. Everyone is different, so what may have happened to 1 person, may not necessarily happen to you. Good luck!

  4. it takes a while i would say a few weeks after you miscarry for the symptoms to go away because your body is stlll responding as if the baby is still in there. Even after i miscarried i still felt tired and gain so weight but after i month i was back to normal

  5. I would imagine that each woman has differing symptoms, but in my experience (2 miscarriages) many of my pregnancy symptoms stayed until my body actually miscarried the babies. Your hormone levels don't immediately go back to normal they just slowly go down.

    I wouldn't assume anything until your Dr. gets the blood work done. My Dr. took blood twice, to see if the hcg levels were really going down.

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