
When you open a parachute do you get pulled upwards or do you just get slowed down quickly?

by Guest57514  |  earlier

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When you watch a skydiver on tv it looks like when they open there parachute they get pulled upwards? Does this actually happen or is it just that they are stopping quick and the camera has fallen past them?




  1. The upward pull is enough to slow the skydiver's downward speed, but not enough to move him upward.  He is moving downward the whole time.

  2. They do in fact get pulled upwards. This does not mean they actually travel upwards, as the upward pull is not anywhere near sufficient to reverse their massive downward velocity.

  3. I believe Joelkatz is right. There is an upwards force, however not enough to make you go up/ascend. Rather just slow your rate of descent.

  4. Your second theory is correct.

  5. While the descent continues, the rate of descent decreases.  The 'affect' is deceleration. i.e. momentum is transfered upward, relatively referenced.

    When you fall or drop you only feel acceleration until gaining terminal velocity.  Then you only feel wind.  If something slows you down, you will feel you are going up.  It's relative.

  6. downwards

  7. Some of the others here have got it correct.  It looks like you are pulled upwards and even feels that way.  what is really happening is that you are be decelerated from above my the parachute canopy filling with air. When your body pulls against the harness you will feel heavy or as if you are being pulled up at a high rate of speed. what in fact is happening is you are transferring your kinetic energy to the parachute canopy which accelerates the parachute canopy.  I bring up that last point because if you are looking up when the parachute opens it will also look like you are being pulled upwards for two reasons. One the expanding canopy looks closer as it gets bigger. Two the risers of you harness and the suspension lines do stretch, not a lot but some and this will make it look like you are moving to the canopy if you look at the right time and actually you will be just a little bit. Hope this helps clarify some things for you.

  8. you get pulled up. think about a kite

  9. I'm a skydiver.  When we deploy the parachute you slow your fall rate.  It takes 800 feet for my parachute to fully open.  It looks like the canopy is pulling the skydiver up because the skydiver with the camera is still falling at full speed.

    Blue Skies!

  10. you DO NOT get pulled up.  If winds were that strong it would be dangerous to even attempt a dive.  You simlpey get slowed down and because the camerman can shoot up and pull his chute he continues falling so it appears you are going up. but you are not.

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