
When you ovulate, how long is the egg viable

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After the egg leaves the ovary, how long does it have to be fertilized before it is flushed out? Or is it only good for a few hours and then it can no longer be fertilized? Help.




  1. The egg only has 12-24 hours before it's no longer viable. The window of opportunity isn't that big so that's why couples who are TTC should have intercourse on the days leading up to ovulation.  

  2. I believe you have anywhere from 24 to 48 hours.  A friend of mine was having trouble conceiving and someone told her to have s*x for 2-3 days when she knew she was ovulating... she got pregnant the 1st month she tried it.

  3. I have read that it's viable for 24-48 hours. This is why many couples who are trying to conceive have intercourse the day before as well as the day of ovulation, since it can take several hours for the sperm to reach the egg.  

  4. When ovulation occurs, one of the woman’s ovaries will release an egg, which will make its journey down the fallopian tube over a period of about 24 hours. Within this 24 hour time frame is the optimum window opportunity for conception, but there are other variables. For instance, an egg will survive in the fallopian tubes for up to 2 days, so if intercourse takes place up to 2 days following ovulation, conception can still occur. Also, if intercourse has occurred prior to ovulation, conception is still possible because sperm can loiter in the fallopian tubes for 2 to 3 days, meaning that once the egg is released, it could already have  sperm waiting for it.

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