
When you ovulate do you always release a egg?

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I went to the doctors on July 17th and did a ultrasound for something different. July 21st i got a couple little pains on my right lower side. That same day my doctor called and said it showed i was ovulating on July 17th. We did it through the whole fertile period, but i'm wondering does a egg always get released when you ovulate??

*i also have scar tissue in my tubes, you think this may be whats making it so hard to conceive?




  1. According to some of the answers, you can ovulate without actually releasing an egg. I wasn't aware of that, but I do know that your body can gear up to ovulate but not release an egg, resulting in an anovulatory cycle. I hope you get your answer. TTC is difficult sometimes, and an extremely frustrating and emotional thing. I wish you the best of luck.

  2. No I learned that the other day. When you ovulate there is a follicle that usually  has an egg, but if not the follicle burst and the ovary goes back to normal.

  3. That is what ovulating is.... it is the release of a mature egg follicle.  If the egg doesn't release then that means you didn't ovulate.  

    And yes scar tissue in your tubes or on your uterus can make it hard to get pregnant.

  4. NO it is a common misconception but ovulation does not mean the releasing of an egg but the release of a follicle white may or may not contain a mature egg

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