
When you picture something in your mind where are you seeing it?

by  |  earlier

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I am picturing what my mother looks like and I can see her, but not like right in front of me, so where am I seeing it? I don't know if I am wording this right but I don't know any other way to explain it.




  1. Seeing is a by product of using your eyes with information processed by the brain

    Picturing something in your mind refers to visualizing something

        The mind can produce visualizations when we allow it to - dreams are a form of visualization

  2. Metaphorically speaking, we can conjure up images and manifest them in our consciousness, or awareness, using equivalent brain processors which also continually filter and store the data we receive from our sensory receptors.

    Those pieces of data, such as visual images, are stored in our memory and can be recalled at any time we wish.

  3. you are seeing her through your sub-contious memory, you see her very faint with the last thing yuo remember her wearing.

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