
When you play Scrabble does another player take forever and check everything in a dictionary?

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When you play Scrabble does another player take forever and check everything in a dictionary?




  1. Sometimes. Sometimes I take forever and check everything in my Scrabble dictionary!

  2. lol my son does he once took nearly an hour i gave up in the end now we set a time limit of 10mins each turn (do you wanna game then )

  3. Maybe in on-line games.  On the other hand, I play in real life scrabble tournaments and many players take a long time making their plays,

    I don't care if they do it, it just helps me to become a better player.

  4. Yes. On nearly every turn. Even though it says in the rules the dictionary is to be used for spell checking only, not as a "word search"

  5. My family plays Scrabble alot, and my dad tends to take forever on his turn!!!  Quite frustrating at times... I sometimes read a book or a magazine to pass the time during his turn :)

  6. My daughter and I play Scrabble a lot and we each take a long time and use our Scrabble dictionaries practically every turn.  We play by our own rules when we play each other.

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