
When you pop microwave popping corn?

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At the end of the popping, is it important to open the bag right away to let the steam out?

A girl I worked with popped a bag of corn in the microwave at work. She was busy when the popping stopped, so she just left the bag in the microwave. I'd gone into that break room to grab a cup of coffee. I saw the oven turn off.

I thought I'd do her the favor or bringing her the popcorn. I opened the bag enough to let the steam out, and carried it into the work room, and gave it to her.

She was furious with me for opening it. Told me to keep my hands off her things. Said that the popcorn would have been perfectly fine in the microwave, I had no business touching it. I said I didn't want it to burn. She yelled, saying it would NOT have burned. I just said "Whatever."

Do you think it would have burnt if it hadn't been opened? What would you have done in my place?




  1. No, it would have been soggy from the steam inside.

    Microwave popcorn burns if left in the microwave after the kernels have all popped because the popping releases steam keeping the temperature lower and it moves the popped kernels around keeping them from sitting on the aluminum lower surface of the bag.  

      Because of variations in the contents, microwave popcorn should never be left unattended so that it can be removed as soon as popping stops.  It takes only about 30 seconds past completion for burned kernels to smoke and a little more to burst into flame.  The former sets off smoke alarms, the latter ruins the microwave.  At my work site a prominent sign promises "if the smoke alarm goes off, you pay for the emergency run, $120"

  2. I think it may be a culture thing. Let me school you on something. I don't know if she was black but I'm black and I don't like people's hands on my food. I would be wondering if they put their hands in it.

    But she really should have said it more nicely than that.

    I wouldn't have burned. There is a small hole at the top. I would have done nothing. If I'm at work I do my work. Maybe ask her first next time and make sure you wash your hands first.

  3. If the microwave was already off then it wouldn't burn.  

    I would have left it alone unless it was a friend who I knew would want me to take it out.

    Maybe she likes soggy popcorn.

    But she did overreact. Some people are just that way.

  4. I don't think you were wrong.  If it were me, I would have told her it was done and have that be the end of it.  However, I know that if I don't get the popcorn out as soon as its done, I don't like it as much.  I don't know if it has to do with the steam or not, but that's my preference I guess.

  5. It's not important to open it. But you were just trying to help so maybe she should relax. :)

  6. While your gesture was very nice and might have been appreciative by others; it was not taken so lightly by her...WTF!!  

    I personally, at work, would not have touched someone else's food unless I was waiting to use the microwave...and then I may have just simply removed it from the microwave at best.  

    Sounds like she was a real jerk....and you learned a lesson.  No real harm done, except maybe a bruised ego.  It'll be okay.=)

  7. Sounds like you were just trying to be nice and like shes a royal B&^$!  However, popcorn doens't burn if you don't open it right away.

  8. DRAMA!!!

    wow lol

  9. no it would not have burned but you did a nice thing 4 here.i would have done the same thing and if she chewed me out for it, i would just keep my distance from here from here on out and never do any thing again 4 here.

  10. Sounds like the girl had a personal problem to be.  It might have not burned.  I personally open the bag right away to let the steam out.  It could be a personal preference and it's too bad she overreacted.    I would, depending on my relationship with her, if it was good, got the popcorn for her and might've opened it a hair.  But it sounds like she totally overreacted.

  11. Wow.  I think she was over reacting.  You did her a favor.

    I would have done the same as you, except I wouldn't have opened the bag.  It won't burn if you don't let out the steam.  It MIGHT get soggy.

  12. I think she is a major beeyotch. I doubt it would have burned if it hadn't been opened, but besides that, you did something nice for her and she gave you c**p. Next time don't waste any energy doing a good deed, at least not for her.

  13. geez what a *****

  14. You were being very nice, she was being a lousy person.  

    Points for you, bad karma for her.  And no, it wouldn't have burned.  But that's beside the point.

  15. what the heck were you bothering her food for anyway? The NERVE of you!

  16. No, it wouldn't have burned. I leave microwave popcorn sit in the microwave to cool down before opening the bag because it's to hot and the steam comes out. You should have just left it there. Unless she asked you to take it out. Or if you needed to use the microwave you should have just sat the bag on the table.

  17. i dont think it would have burnt that quickly but she didnt have to be rude to you for trying to be helpful

  18. some people just don't appreciate when you be time let burn lol just kidding. i guess she was having a bad day or something, she was wrong for the way she respond.yes i think it would have burned...maybe she likes burnt corn lol

    just relize u said that the oven DID turn it wouldn have burn...but she was very RUDE and UNGRATEFUL

  19. The person you work with sounds like a psycho

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