
When you post a question about smoking or owning a gun,you can always tell who feels guilty by their defensive

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and rude answers, can't you? And the answer never makes any sense even though they seem to think it does!




  1. i'll bet you're ready to scream long and loud about your rights, aren't you? do they make sense to you? if you feel you have no need, or right to protect yourself or your family, thats your bag.

    but i feel i have the right to live free of threat from anyone. if that doesn't make sense to you, there's something wrong upstairs. and, what makes you think your question isn't rude?

  2. I have to disagree with you.

    I have seen questions posted where only a few people got weird or rude.

    Some folks feel emotionally assaulted when you bring up the notion that guns should be rounded up and melted. They are usually people who understand what happens to countries where the guns are outlawed. The government becomes abusive. Even now with many guns in the hands of citizens, we see a government that has steadily tightened controls and is still violating citizen rights in the name of security. I'm referring to unathorized wire taps. An AT&T employee testified he was ordered to wire a relay that forwarded millions of phone calls to a federal station to be recorded. There could not have been court authorization for all of those calls. You might even be on one of the tapes.

    Once the people in power get a taste of how easy it is to CONTROL the people they get dangerous, like a lion that smells blood.

    Owning a gun is a right just the same as your right to free speech, and the right to vote. If someone tried to prevent you from voting I bet you would get defensive and rude.

    After all,  IT'S YOUR RIGHT......

    (I'm going to avoid the smoking issue, it could be a smoking gun. That's a pun sweety, ..smoking...gun)

  3. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

    guess i'm proving your point?

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