
When you pull a face in the wind does your face change?

by  |  earlier

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When I was younger my mum told me that if I pulled a face in the wind my face would change. Is this true?

I ask because I am far from attractive, and have trouble finding friends, especially girlfriends!!! When i look in the mirror I can pull a face that looks way better than the one I have at the moment, and if possible I would like to retain this.

If this warning (I see it as more a blessing than a warning!!) is true then where is the best place to change my face, would it be in a very windy place such as a hilly area, or perhaps a wind farm? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as the sooner I can change my face in the wind the better - I am looking forward to making new friends with my new face!!!






  1. No that saying is an old wives tale that has been handed down from family to family and mothers and fathers having been saying it for generations the wind cannot change your mum used to say it to me when I was a kid.  

  2. Dear spaghetti pokemon

    I experienced this same problem a few years ago...

    i went through school getting bullied and i had had enough of life, due to the fact i looked like i had down syndrome...

    One day i skived school and went up to a local beauty point which also is very windy, i was trying my hardest not to jump off the edge of the cliff and started pulling face after face..

    after a while i felt a stiffness come across my face, at first i was worried and it felt horrible, but i got used to it and now i am so pleased with what happened on that very windy day, i beleive it was an act of god as i am now really popular person, in the mental health hospital where i am currently staying as an in-patient....

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