
When you put glasses on for the first time, were you surprised at the improvement in your vision?

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A recent eye test reminded me of my first experience with glasses 30 years ago. I had put off having an eye test for about ten years although I had noticed that I was quite badly short sighted in my right eye. I felt that my sight with one good eye was fine, but a medical at work eventually forced me to go for an eye test. I collected the glasses during my lunch hour but couldn't face putting them on at work in case anyone saw me. As I was walking home over Waterloo Bridge, I thought I might as well try them out. Wow! - what a revelation. So much detail in the buildings that I had never seen before. I must have spent five minutes gazing at one of the best views in London. Even so, for the next ten years or so I only wore them for driving and at the theatre or cinema. Then one day I decided to become a person who wears glasses all the time (a change of job made the transition easier). It all seems silly now, especially since I have realised how much better I look in glasses.




  1. Well, when I got my contacts I was shocked at how much improvement I got from them from my glasses (Possibly because I only wore my glasses when I absolutely had too) but, yeah, the shock at how bad my eyesight actually was, was huge. I walked around my local town centre just staring at everything; I'm sure I got quite a few odd looks.

  2. Yes DEFINETLY But I Got a Bit Of A Headache when i started wearing them as my eyes were soooo bad

  3. When I first put on a pair of glasses I finally felt I could see with two eyes together/at the same time/in synchronicity. It was a relief not to feel that my eyes could see different things. I still put up with it until I got contacts earlier this year. Now I love seeing 20/20 all the time.

  4. The difference for me was so amazing! I couldn't see from very far away, and it was all blurry and fuzzy, but, when i put on my specs, the view was AWESOME!, the trees looked so clean, and very clear, and the sky was beautiful blue, like the ocean, I think they're an amazing invention :]

  5. I noticed a BIG DIFFERENCE. Made me feel dumb for wasting years squinting. I had a problem wearing them everyday also, so I got contacts too. Now I see the world perfectly, all the time.

  6. The change was so great for me I threw up.  LOL

  7. This is a good question.  I will never forget my experience.  When I was little, I saw everything as a blur.  I thought it was normal and it would get better as I grew,  it got worse of course especially when I couldn't read the blackboard.  The school nurse told my parents that I failed the eye exam and needed glasses.  Long story short, when I got those glasses and put them on for the first time (age 10) I was amazed.  I was looking at everything.  For the first time in my life I saw a blue sky, trees were so green, I can't describe how elated I was to be able to see so clearly.  The doctor told my mother that he never had a patient that had to have such strong glasses for the first time.  He said I should have been wearing them since I was 2.  So yes, it was wonderful to see so clearly.  Thanks for reminding me.

  8. Very and i keep on wearing mine everyday i need them but that new glasses smile made me feel a bit sick

  9. Oh yes... I'm only 14 so the experience is fresh in my mind. I've had glasses since the first grade, and I remember putting them on and suddenly seeing the leaves on the trees, and I could see people's faces so clearly, and seeing all of the details and peeled away parts on very distant walls

    And just think, normal sighted people see that all the time. They can wake up in the morning and see every little detail.

    How great must that be!

    I personally wear glasses all the time, seeing as how I can't live without them (I've got a -5.50 prescription).

    The next time I'll see the optometrist I'll probably go through that experience yet again, as I'm developing some astigmatism in addition to my worsening myopia.

  10. I was nervous when I wore glasses for the first time. I was only 14 at the time.

    Before I was unable to see the buildings, signs and people from a far distance. Also I couldn't see the board in the classroom and I constantly had to sit in the front.

    When I wore my glasses for the first time, I saw the difference immediately. I can see the buildings and I also the people walking on the pavement better.

    At the beginning, I only wore them during lessons to see the writing on the board at school.

    I didn't wear them all the time because I got bullied and when I wore my glasses, I got called four eyes.

    But now I wear them all the time because my vision is blurred without them. I noticed that without them I kept bumping into a lamp post in the street and I can't see the cars approaching or the traffic light.

    I'm used to my glasses now and I just feel like I'm attached to it. It really changed me because my grades improved in school and I've just recently finished my studies at college with a passing grade.

    I actually feel and look better with my glasses on. It's a part of me and this makes me who I am.

    I hope everything works out for you. Take care always.

  11. Oh, honey I almost cried. I was in the first grade and my family couldn't afford eye exams or glasses. My dad was in a horrible accident and wasn't working.

    The Lions Club paid for me to have an eye exam and glasses. I was in class and the secretary and my mom came to the door of my class room and called me out into the hall. The school nurse came and they all walked me to the office. I didn't know what was going on.

    The moment the nurse placed those glasses on my face I thought I was in heaven. I could actually SEE. For the first time in my short little life I could see everything. I couldn't get enough. I was amazed and thankful. That evening on the bus ride home I was so happy. I remember feeling giddy even. That was over 40 years ago, but I can think back and remember the joy I felt with a plastic object, that I treasured, on my face.

  12. The reason I do my job and love it is seeing people get excited over the difference in their vision. When they put on the glasses, raise them up so they are looking without them, then look through them again, and say "WOW! The trees have individual leaves!". A lot of people do it and I love it!

    Many people are amazed at their improved vision and it's great.

    Glasses are now a fashion accessory, wear them with pride!

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