
When you "realize" something .. is it true?

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When you "realize" something .. is it true?




  1. and i gain another lesson in my young life of experiences...

  2. You can realize that something ISN'T TRUE. So, the answer is no.

  3. not always..

  4. Decode this lyrics " We are the champion"

    When we look on what went wrong out there.

    With what the "golden words" says in living words.

    At loss and blurry.

    Why no one were even aware of it?

    When the mess exposed itself in time.

    Was created in own backyards.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    Then how can we be the champion?

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    When all these while we took for granted.

    That we were great.

    Instead we keep on climbing up the coconut trees and still look green.

    With lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    Still at loss and stranded out there.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Getting kick on the butts and hit on the head with the Book od the Dead.

    Luke 10.24

    Without having the "Masterpiece" the Book of the Living that was lost with time.

    Luke 19.9-10

    Without being aware of the mess out there.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  5. There's no true nor false...

    it is Actuality.

  6. yeah sometimes

  7. Here are some meanings of "realize"

    1.  To comprehend completely or correctly.

    2. To bring into reality; make real: He finally realized his lifelong ambition to learn how to play the violin.

    3. To make realistic: a film that realizes court life of the 17th century.

    4. To obtain or achieve, as gain or profit: She realized a substantial return on the investment.

    5. To bring in (a sum) as profit by sale.

    I think you are talking about the first one.

    "I realized that was what you meant".

    Is this true? Probably, but I cannot know it to be true.

    It's the same with realizing other things. You comprehend them fully, but what you understand may just not be so. For example:

    "When I woke up, I realized I had been abducted by aliens"

    Have fun with words!

  8. Only if you can verify it.  The realization is a hypothesis.  If it is testable, you test it and determine if it is true or not.  If it cannot be tested, you can never determine whether it is true or not.  For example no belief can be determine to be true or not as beliefs cannot be tested and verified.

    I should add that even after you verify something as being true, it is still open to being shown to be false if important new information becomes available that would disprove it.

  9. Of course not, although it *can* be true.

    People realized the earth was flat, that OJ was innocent, that tapeworms were good for weight loss...

  10. yes except mirages

  11. Well, once you have realised something, it is "real", but not necessarily true. You could of been told something (something bad), and you can still realise it, but it may not necessarily be true until you confirm it for yourself...

  12. All "truths" are indefeasible; therefore, when new data is acquired, what be believe with also be altered.

    "The traditional formulation of propositional knowledge (in Western philosophy) involves three key components: justification, truth, and belief (JTB). Propositional knowledge is, in this tradition, a justified belief held about a truth. To elaborate, the formulation holds that three conditions are necessary, and jointly sufficient for "knowledge". First, belief: you do not know something unless you also hold it as true in your mind; if you do not believe it, then you do not know it. Second, truth: there can be no knowledge of false propositions; belief in a falsehood is delusion or misapprehension, not knowledge. Third, justification: the belief must be appropriately supported; there must be sufficient evidence for the belief.

    "Thus, knowledge is like a three-legged stool which cannot stand when any one leg is removed. "

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