
When you read books do you find it easy to remeber the information? i dont.?

by  |  earlier

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should i underline and highlight the facts using a highlight pen and keep reading it over and over until i remeber the facts or do you have another way of doing it




  1. It can be difficult when you are just trying to remember as opposed to understanding and taking it in.

    You should do all your handy note-type things but also try teaching what you know to your family or friends.

    I think this works because sometimes it helps you understand what it's all about and can give you ideas on what to write about ect.

    You should also write your notes and then give the paper to someone else for you to say out to them without looking yourself.

    Little facts here and there are good to write down on some bright card and stick them around your home so you are constantly faced with them and eventually they make their way into your long term memory instead of staying in your short term memory.

    You want to understand fully what you're studying, that way when you get into an exam or whatever you can easily adapt on what you know rather than trying to remember certain lines and so on.

    Good luck :)

  2. everyone takes things in differently and whats good for 1 person may not be right for another...

    sometimes when you have alot on your mind it is hard to concentrate and take in what your reading.

    try highlighting key things you need to remember or maybe re-read the sentence.

    another thing i did was re-write the text in my own words. it may help of you are reading a text book but if it is fiction then i advise against it as you may interpret the text differently to how it is meant.

    hope this helps :-)

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