
When you read the latest Republican action,does it make you thing we really did go to Iraq just to protect oil

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companies? Here's how the story starts -

WASHINGTON - Saved by Senate Republicans, big oil companies dodged an attempt Tuesday to slap them with a windfall profits tax and take away billions of dollars in tax breaks in response to the record gasoline prices that have the nation fuming.

GOP senators shoved aside the Democratic proposal, arguing that punishing Big Oil won't do a thing to lower the $4-a-gallon-price of gasoline that is sending economic waves across the country. High prices at the pump are threatening everything from summer vacations to Meals on Wheels deliveries to the elderly.




  1. Oh, please.    This "windfall tax" proposed by the Dems is symbolism over substance.

    It won't do a blessed thing to bring relief at the pump to the American consumer.  

    If anything, it will only make things worse.  

    Do you really think that this tax would all of a sudden make gas prices fall?    Come on.  

    The way to get the oil companies to lower prices is to consume less gas.   Boycott them once in a while.    Americans should get off their fat butts and walk or ride a bike to work.   Or car pool.  

    Decreasing the demand for gas will bring the oil companies to their knees.   Then, and only then, will we see gas prices drop.

    EDIT -- The Dems are only trying to make themselves APPEAR to be doing something for the gas-consuming public.   Don't be so gullible as to think they are actually trying to do something substantive here.



  2. 1. A windfall tax on the oil companies would be passed on to the consumer in HIGHER gas prices.

    2. Oil companies are PUBLIC corporations owned by American citizens. 40% of ownership is from private citizen investors; 40% is by mutual funds and 401K's (again private citizens). windfall profit tax will only hurt those americans.

    3. Oil company profits as a percentage cost are nop different than any other corporation... about 10%.

    4. The dems once again pray on the ignorance of the populous who know about as much about economics as my 3 year old!

  3. The Republican Party recieves alot of its funding from Big Oil and that is why the tax breaks will not be repealed. A Windfall Profits tax would only tax them on profits considered beyond average in a measure to stop them from Raping the American people.  

    There is NO REASON for the current spike in gas prices.  The Saudi Oil Minister stated he cannot understand the rise in prices as production levels are more than adequate for the demand.

    IF there were a shortage in Oil  companies like Chevron would not be posting record breaking Profits.

    Speculators and greed are the only things driving prices up and once up they will find a way to keep them there.  A Tax on excessive profits would make sense.

  4. It is simple choice by the gas companies. The FACT is that they are reaping record earnings. These people need to be held accountable for the gouging directly. What the dems did during the last gas hike was effective. Clinton, and the senate under him, made gouging a CRIME, punishable by imprisonment, and the gas prices went down.

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