
When you recycle, do you wash the jar or can or do you just throw it in the bin?

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When you recycle, do you wash the jar or can or do you just throw it in the bin?




  1. The majority of recycling plants wash the jars/cans, so assuming your local plant is one of these, you can save water by not rinsing them. However you should remove the labeling before putting it into the bin.

  2. I run all food containers through the dishwasher because i go to the recyclying center only once a month and don''t want them to smell or attrack insects.

  3. I always rinse it out

  4. I wash the jars and rinse the cans to stop them smelling and attracting rats etc.

  5. i rinse it out. sometimes the recycling people don't accept things that are dirty/oily. so yeah..

  6. dont wash it out just throw it in the bin they will wast is and crush it anyways so it doesnt matter. save water and ur time

  7. It is imperative you thoroughly wash out all recycling; many recycling companies do not accept contaminated goods, thus condemning it to landfill after-all!

  8. You should rinse and also remove paper labels and toss them in your paper recycling.  This way the paper and residue won't end up as slag -- the waste generated by impurities in the recycled aluminum, steel, glass, etc.

  9. I always wash them out.  Hygeine!!!  For one, contaminated items attract flies and bugs in the summer, plus I'm sure that if you had to fish them out after they've been in there a week then you'd wash them too.  Think of the poor bin men that have to empty the boxes with dog food tins crawling with maggots!

    I always wash mine out!

  10. I put dirty tins & jars to the side of the sink during the day then wash in the evening in the dirty washing up water. So no extra water is wasted.

    If you leave them unwashed for 2 weeks before they get collected the smell is appalling. Also in the summer I don't want maggots in the garage. My cats are also 'rummagers' so I don't want a head caught in any of the containers. The box has to be on the floor as it is so big.

    I am grateful for the glass collection because it used to mount up until someone went the tip (which in the winter could be weeks)

  11. Wash it. An info sheet in the paper said they won't accept items "contaminated with food" and they will end up in landfill.

  12. dont rinse. that just takes more water.... they have to wash then deeply anyway... save the water

  13. Check your local regulations, but I rinse lightly to avoid smells.  But there's no need to go to the same lengths as with your plates, pans etc.  I often use the leftover water after I've done the other washing up.

  14. Rinse don't be lazy...

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