
When you reel in a fish - do you go fast or slow?

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.ihavetoknow. :]




  1. slow if u work it to fast the fish will leave you and youll then no you were supossed to go slower and u will regret it esspecially if its a rare fish!!!!

  2. It depends on what type of fishing you are doing.  If you are fishing for bass, you must reel fast after setting the hook otherwise the fish will throw the hook.  Then you can slow down and "play" the fish.  But you must never give it any slack.  If you do, it will throw the hook.  If you are fishing for crappies it is best to reel slowly after setting the hook because they have a thin membrane around their mouths and it is possible to tear the mouth off if you pull too hard.  Most other fish are much like bass  so you should reel fast at first and then slow down to "play" them.

  3. It all depends on the fish.  If you have some 40lb monster, you physically won't be able to reel in fast; the fish is like a dead weight on the end of your line.  If it's some sort of 4-inch baitfish, feel free to do whatever you want; it's not going to break your tackle whatever happens.  Everything depends on your tackle; if you're using a light rod and fine line, you will want to play the fish until it tires, or you run the risk of losing your fish and terminal tackle.  With a large, heavy rod, the risk of breakage is lesser, but you will still want to play the fish; I've had a feisty 25lb carp who wasn't quite tired out when I landed him, and he just jumped straight out of the boat.  My advice is to go slow and apply gentle pressure to the fish; use side-strain to guide it away from any obstacles and make sure that it is ready to give up when you try to land it.  One note; if the fish makes a run towards you, reel in quickly.  You need to keep in contact with the fish, and don't give it any slack.

  4. go hard fast all the way

  5. I go fast...that's just my style. I say, 'If the fish isn't strong enough to handle it then I dont' want it.'

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