
When you refine a barrel of oil what do you get out of it?

by  |  earlier

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do you get all oil or gas whats the breakdown




  1. You get about 19.5 gallons of gasoline.  The remainder falls into heavier and lighter distillates such as diesel fuel/home heating oil (they're the same), kerosene, and chemical feedstocks.  Below is a link to an excellent page from the Department of Energy on how crude oil is processed into usable form.  It's a "kid's page", but I'm in the oil business and I refer to this all the time!  Scroll down to where you see the barrel and just below are some of the product petroleum is used to create.

    There's also a link to other DOE brochures I've found useful.

  2. You get lots of products from the refining process. About half is gasoline, one-quarter is fuel oil, while the remaining quarter is split among still gas, kerosene, lubricating oil, etc.

    The process can also be adjusted to produce more of one product as opposed to another. In Europe, the refining process is generally geared to give more fuel oil (diesel), reflecting the high percentage of diesel-powered vehicles in that part of the world.

  3. i think you'll be amazed at what comes out of petroleum.

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