
When you retired with all the injuries would you have still played if you had it all over again ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 35 and have just hung up the boots - AGAIN ! To many prior injuries, Monday's are tough ! over the years i've had numerous 2nd & 3rd dregree ankle sprains - both ankles they blow up if I stand to long after a hard run ! knee surgery twice plus an arthroscope. Fracture sternum and clavicle (collar bone), broken radius & Ulna left forearm - twice ! Open dislocation left elbow with detached brachial Artery requiring veiness grafting from left groin ! (Still all good down there though !) Lumbar Vertabrae sometimes misaligned - not too bad though, broken nose (customery) numerous cuts to cheek bones and eye lids.

I think it is time to just remember the playing days ! How many injuries have you had (or a friend or husband etc...) and would you do it all again ?




  1. Most definitely! Nothing like looking back at the old battle scares and reminisce over it. Or the smell of grass and Deep heat, tiger balm in the cloak room. And then that sweet taste of the ice cold lager after a great victory!

    h**l, I think I will come out of retirement......

  2. Sir, my hat's off to you.  I'm 19 and playing in college and have had my fair share of trips to the emergency room.  and the looks on the staffer's faces when i smile and tell them i got it playing footy.  But There is nothing that would make me look back on my experiences playing ball with my mates and think it wasn't worth it.

  3. as a daughter of a man that played rugby well into his twenties i can honestly say that if you ask my dad if he would do it all again he would say yes in a heartbeat. even though he suffers today for the injuries he got way back then he does not regret any part of his rugby days. about 2 years ago he went for a neck operation that was caused by long term effects from rugby, but yet he manages to smile about it and shrugs his shoulders as to say, that was my life and i lived it and i would do it all again. so for anyone who loved rugby and really played the game i think that they would do it all again even if they knew then what they know now.

  4. 40 years old im stilling getting out there i myself  would do all over again  ever ake and pain     no knees  i love the smell of the pitch

  5. Well sir, I just started playing this year and we've only had a few games (still early in the season.) I love rugby and wouldn't give it up if I had to. I think any true rugger or any one who has played even one game of rugby would do it all over again. That is what rugby is all about, love of the game.

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