
When you ride a scooter ,do you need a helmet in USA?

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even on a 50 cc moped?




  1. Legally:  it depends on the state.

    In practice:  yes you do, unless you have a death wish.

  2. ask the question again,  after your head hits the road, you never know when your going to eat dirt or asphalt

  3. You need a helmet anywhere you ride a motorized two-wheel vehicle on any spot on the globe. However, there may or may not be a law on the books there that says you need one. Common sense should be your guide, though. Please don't listen to the Future Organ Donors Of America who claim you can protect your head with your hands and arms in a crash. I swear, even the stupidest Gary Busey types who swore off helmets changed what was left of their mind after their head bounced off the curb.

  4. Depends on what state.....but probaly...

  5. The laws vary from state to state but generally, yes. A helmet is required while operating any motorized, two wheel vehicle on or off road.

  6. In some states yes, while in others you don't need one. Each state has different helmet laws.

  7. Depends on the state you live in--all states have their own requirements

  8. There are only 20 states where a helmet is still mandatory. Check with your state DMV to see if your state is still responding to the safety n***s.

  9. always wear a helmet cheech

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