
When you say someone is HOT.....?

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  1. When you use 'hot' for someone, it should mean any of the following:

    Eager: A person full of activity, energy, enthusiasm, or excitement


    Physically attracted(or attractive):(Especially ladies) To be physically attracted or aroused

    Knowledgeable: A person having, showing, or characterized by particular skill or knowledge  

  2. When I say say someone is hot, I mean that they are suffering from an excess of heat.

    The modern American colloquial use of the word to mean good-looking is one of the most appalling and cringe-making misuses of language that I can think of.

  3. A hot person is a person who accepts others warmly and usually with smile! the hot persons try to be useful for others!

    I think, i'm a good example of a hot person! of course not too hot to burn others!

  4. good-looking, attractive...

  5. They remind me of myself.

  6. sooooooooo s**y :] lol

  7. she's s**y and got everything at the right places.

  8. he's attractive in other words he's all that and a bag of chips:P

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