
When you see a comedy show, what impresses you most

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When you see a comedy show, what impresses you most




  1. a comedian who's actually funny and not just being mean or stupid.

  2. Whether the things and the way the comedian presents those things make me laugh.  I want to laugh but I'm not going to laugh at everything nor wil I laugh just because I'm expected to ("laugh here").  It has to be spontaneous laughter, almost like I can't control it, it just blurts out of my body.  If the comedian can draw that out, it's good.  I do prefer comedy shows that don't denigrate (even in fun) people or things or idea.  I think comedians who have to use profanity when there's not a good reason for it are just lazy and get HUGE points taken off for that (if you can't get the humor across without the profanity, the humor isn't good to begin with).  I also don't like comedy shows (or comedians) who try too hard--you can feel it--like that red-headed woman (D-list something) who simply comes across as being so desperate she'll do anything to be noticed (and obviously it isn't working since I can't even remember her name).

  3. Excellent writing, superb timing and unadulterated silliness

  4. Voted the best television show of all time by TV Guide viewers, "Seinfeld", had a lot of factors that set it apart from your average comedy.  Here are just two:

    1) Characters.  Every single character on Seinfeld was larger than life.    In some cases, it bordered on absurd.  They spoke and behaved in ridiculous ways.  They had the most unimaginable quirks.  And every single character was memorable.

    2) Story line.  Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David were masters at tying story lines together.  What would start off as four totally unrelated stories would all collide by the end of 30 minutes. (Example, Kramer driving golf balls into the ocean while George claims to be a marine biologist.  By the end of the story, George saves a whale who was dying because its blowhole was blocked by a golf ball.)

    Every episode of Seinfeld was like a well orchestrated novel.  That's what impressed me most about the show; the sheer genius.

  5. tact and a humorous delivery

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