
When you see a poll that says 40% support something are you influenced, and be inclined to support the view?

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When you see a poll that says 40% support something are you influenced, and be inclined to support the view?




  1. You should form your own conclusion based on the information you are given, but it can be easier to sway towards something if a group u support believes a certain way.  But I must say if 40% of ppl think something then that means 60% of ppl dont.  So which way would you go?

  2. Nope.  I am not influenced by polls.  I think for myself.

  3. Polls are merely the opinions of the people who commision them ,nobody wants to pay for a contrary opinion.

  4. i think "who did they ask and who paid them to ask" - and what kind of morons answered?

  5. ditto

  6. There are lies, more lies and statistics

  7. No. I like to think for myself.

  8. No, that means that 60% don't support it. Then I think about it again and support my own view.

  9. No,saying Baaa is not for me...

  10. I am never influenced by polls, I have a brain and use it.  I am quite capable of thinking for myself and having my own opinions.

  11. No. Polls are weather vanes for the weak minded and politicians (who knows they may be one in the same) to decide where they stand.

    Polls results change more often than the wind. Before 9/11 the polls would have indicated few knew who Usama Bin Laden was or that he was the head of a group called Al Qaeda. Does that mean there was no threat? What about after 9/11?

    In most cases polls indicate ignorance and apathy. We don't know or we don't care.

  12. 40% of how many? I am not convinced of the value of polls as so many of the questions asked are "loaded".

  13. There's one for (I think) a haircare product that says that some 1212 people took part in the survey.  I forget the exact number quoted, except that when I grabbed my calculator it worked out that 43.33 people were "against".  How can a third of a person have a vote?

    If they're going to run polls, they could at least employ a competent mathemetician to make the numbers stack up right.

    Probably needless to say:  I don't take any notice of polls.

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