
When you see a women thats 25 lbs overweight what do you think?

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I am 25lbs overweight and Im supposed to go to the beach 2moro but all I have is 2 piece bikinis. I just don't want to go and have people look at me thinking I look gross or thinking I shouldn t wear a swimsuit.

So When you see a woman 25lbs overweight in a bikini do you think its gross?




  1. when i see a woman in a bikini who is fat i think wtf is that. a blob or part of her body.

  2. No I dont think it's gross! It's the very people who do think overweight people are 'gross' that disgust me.

    Do not worry about wearing your two-piece! Get on that beach and enjoy yourself!

    Pies - your wrong about the stretchmarks sweetheart. I've had two kids who kindly left their mummy with stretchmarks and they're really not an issue (the stretchmarks, not the kids!) to me or anyone else. And I'm not overweight or fat either, just blessed with terrible elasticity in my skin! Barely see them though now as they've faded alot. I dont know what stretchmarks you've seen, but they must've been horrendous in size and volume if you think they're "gross"! Lol!!

  3. I think "Good for her getting out in a bikini wish i was as brave as her" And then i think "She has my respect." And all curves and sizes are beautiful hun. :)

  4. The vast majority of people won't think anything at all. They are too wrapped up in their own body image issues.

    Go to the beach and enjoy yourself.

    A perfect body is not a life requirement.


  5. they won't think at all because they are worried about their own problems. just go and enjoy yourself!!! ;] -rubyyy<3

  6. I like a little heft to a girl/woman figure. So no matter what you will have admirers, and remember, it's personality. The most beautiful woman is a pig, if she has no personality.

  7. The thing is, people really don't care when they see a full body. What's gross is stretch marks, hair, folds of skin, and when a person is skinny, their ribcage.

    If you have none of the above, I'm sure people won't be looking at you thinking you are gross. As a matter of fact, some people like your body type and you might get a couple of heads turned in a positive way if your body doesn't have the above stuff. Just have fun to be honest, even if you do have these things, all they can do is look at you and giggle once, then it gets old.  

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