
When you see people who are clearly off their medication

by Guest59109  |  earlier

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you know..., wild eyed, chest out, blareing down the sidewalk, like a one man tornado, yelling and fist shaking at who ever they meet, Ive seen a few women mad at the world, too...

Maybe they have tourettes or something, I dont know...

How do you feel when you see a fellow human, who is a little on the "Wild Side"?

Or maybe they just finally had enough




  1. yeah just drug everybody up. I don't care. Long as they don't kick my a"" thhere aighht.

    Good nite everyone.  

  2. my dad just got on meds for bipolar and let me tell you he's so much more pleasant. it's sooooooo nice.

  3. It makes me very uncomfortable. I have felt like this in my own house if my husband forgets his meds. Needless to say, since his condition is severe, I told him that not taking his meds was not an option if he wanted to continue a relationship with me. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people with severe psychiatric conditions don't have anyone in their life to keep them in check.  

  4. I've seen many people like that, luckily they were never violent. Maybe if the reaction isn't there they will just move on. You may not be able to solve their problem because the problem belongs to them. Do what you can and help people that will accept your service. Recognize when it's time to remove yourself from the situation.

  5. you mean paranoid,and we get a dirty look from others,and we sayed nothing,just because we looked over that way,and we give them a dirty look back or what are you looking at comment when they walk by

  6. I feel like I should ask them to take their medication, but it wouldn't be appropriate.  Since I can relate when I'm not on mine (citalopram and clonazepam for social anxiety disorder).

  7. It can be scary because you don't know what they are upset about so how would you be able to communicate with them. If you don't know them its probably a good idea to keep your distance.  

  8. "oh no '' this comes to the mind if u hav evn a litl clue  abt it,n u dnt beliv it.One morning i got cal frm my maternal aunt  n she told  me dat my elder aunt  is tryng to set her on fire.As i know my elder aunt since childhood i did not gave 2nd thought n became mater hw professional v  r ,v still get stigmatised panicky if v c our  fellow person in dat state.

  9. Feel? To be honest, nothing really. I vaguely wonder what it's like inside their head.

  10. Initially i'm a little confused to why they're acting the way that they are but if it's a stranger, it's almost impossible to know what's wrong and you really can't do much but call an ambulance or police if you are concerned.

    I don't know any people who have to take medication for mental illness so can't say how i'd react if it were family, friends or collegues.

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