
When you see someone staring at you what do you assume?

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when you see someone stare at you nonstop.. do you look away and pretend not to notice and assume it's jealously( girl to girl) ...or do you stare back to get them to stop staring and assume the same...why do people's annoying and even though i figure maybe they are

just intimidated , it's annoying and it makes me uncomfortable and figety




  1. Ask if you have **** on your face-or better, smile and say something nice-then depending on their reaction it could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

  2. This is a girl staring at you? Sometimes girls stare at other girls because they like their shoes, hair, clothes etc.. If a guy and someties I look at other guys because their wearing something that I think looks good. Then however she might have been bi or a L*****n. But I think she was gawking at something she found that you had on to be fashionable.  

  3. I assume I have a booger on my nostril edge.  Hopefully not on my lip.

  4. O no, do i have something on my face...what are they staring at, it makes me feel really uncomfortable especially if its a guy.


  5. I try to pretend I don't notice, and just assume they weren't taught manners. If I get really uncomfortable I might give a stern look, or leave the area.

  6. Wearing sunglasses solves these problems somewhat.

  7. If they're a women, they like or are interested in what I'm wearing or how I look. Jealously...only if they're looking at me in a dirty way.

    If they're men, then I assume they think I'm hot.

    Either way, I take it as a compliment :)

  8. staring contest o_o

  9. I assume they are staring because I have pink hair and horns on my head. I know they want to ask me why or how I have horns but many are too shy to ask. I usually just smile at them and get on with my day.

  10. I look away...I don't like attention

  11. I stare back at them and they will look away lol.

  12. Why would you assume that it is jealousy?  Sounds like you have a pretty high opinion of yourself.

    When someone is staring at me it could be for a number of reasons:  

    I have food on my face.

    My fly is down.

    We met at a bar one night when we were both drunk out of our minds and are trying to piece the night back together.

    or any combination of the three.

    Personally, I figure why care what other people think about you, especially if you don't even know them.  What effect to they have on your life.  It sounds like not only do you have a high opinion of yourself, but you are pretty insecure as well.

  13. I always think they're looking at me cos I'm fat

  14. I assume they either want to fight or to have s*x, or that they are simply ignorant in general.  In some cultures, staring is OK while our culture frowns upon it.

  15. They are zoning out.

    Or maybe I look weird. Who knows.  

  16. arghhhhh.....that's annoying isn't it! i hate it too!!!   I dunno, i still couldn't work that one out but i gues its just because they're jelous like you said, or they're just looking at something you wear, or your make up....or maybe they're L*****n...who knows?

    and for boys, i guess they're interested in the girl they're staring at...

    have a star...

  17. It can be anything.Probably trying to connect an old acquaintance, or admiration of something you are wearing, or an awkward posture/smile/laugh etc.You can certainly ask the person like 'have we met before? or anything wrong? etc' If something is wrong on your dressing etc that will make him speak up or other matter.Ultimately the person will stop staring which is essentially your purpose.Best wishes.

  18. well... sometimes, I think I look funny, if they smirk. Or maybe they like me. But if it is another girl, it's either jealousy, or they just want to be my friend.  

  19. I assume I'm being made fun of and I want to cry. This is because when I was a kid I was made fun of all of the time so I have a natural reaction to assume I'm being made fun of.  For that reason I go to great lengths to NOT be stared at.  

  20. i wonder why the heck they're staring and then think maybe I have booger hanging out my nose or something, I usually look away I don't like to be stared at

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