
When you see your self into mirror do you smile???

by  |  earlier

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And what kind of expression do you have???




  1. No :-(

  2. Sure do! I like what I see in the mirror. My expression is happy and reflects back to me that I'm okay. With all the flaws I have, it's hard to believe. The most interesting thing I see when I look carefully, is the light in my eyes. I have an inner light inside them. I don't know if anyone else can see it (have never asked) but I do. It's not from the outside light sources (lightbulbs, heat lamps) it's from me. I think it's kinda cool. I've had it for as long as I can remember.

  3. Nearly all the time yeah, especially if im practising my comedy :D  But some times im really quite vacant, as if im not even there.......

  4. No. just a normal expression..

  5. I normally have a pretty blank expression. Maybe a critical/focused look, as I check my hair, makeup, etc.

    Unless I need to look nice or check my teeth after lunch - then I smile.

  6. sometimes depends what i am about to do

  7. sometimes, to see how I look when I smile. and i do a bunch of different expressions, just so I know which ones to do and how I look when I do them, like practicing them,haha.

  8. yeah, i smile at myself. Expresion: big wide eyed smile

  9. sometimes... but i try out different expressions

  10. haha! i kind of do a creepy smile, if i happen to glance into the mirror. i make my eyes big, and just slowly smile. it's really scary sometimes. i've got a good creepy look.

  11. depends if im lookin hot

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